Ranmaru X Reader Lemon (Utapri)

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This is part II for the Ranmaru X reader- Tsunmaru. Also, since it's October I thought it would make sense to make this a Halloween special as well.  Hope you enjoy. 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


    It's been weeks since the incident with Ranmaru and I've been plotting revenge. What makes things perfect is that today's Halloween and tonight there's going to be a Halloween ball, which means I'll be able to wear my neko costume. Ranmaru's gonna flip! 

    "Happy Halloween, Kawaii-chan!" Natsuki cheers as he picks me up and gives me a tight hug.

    "H-happy H-Hall-Halloween N-Natsuki-chan," I said, struggling to breathe.

    "Oi, Natsuki! Let her go she can't breathe!" Syo yelled at the taller blonde.  Natsuki instantly released me.

    "Sorry, Kawaii-chan," Natsuki apologized. 

    "It's alright," I assured him. "So are you guys excited about tonight?" Natsuki's eyes sparkled. 

     "I'm going to be Piyo-chan and Syo's going to be a kawaii princess!" the tall blonde beamed.

      "I never agreed to that! I refuse to wear that. I'm  manly," I sweatdropped. 

      "W-well I've got to go but I'll see you guys at the ball," I waved before leaving.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness XD~

      The party has started and I'm all dressed up in my neko costume.  The costume consists of a knee-length black and  (f/c) dress,  (f/c) heels,  black fingerless gloves, and black cat ears and tail. (if your f/c is black then use your second f/c). 'Hmmm, I wonder where Ranmaru is.' I thought as I walked up to Ren. 

     "Ah hello, my lady," the flirtatious idol said with his usual charming smile. "You're looking rather lovely tonight," he winked. For most girls, this would cause them to blush and act all giddy but it doesn't phase me at all.

     "Thank you, Jinguji-san. Do you happen to know where Kurosaki-san is by any chance?" I asked. Ren took another look at me and smirked. 

      "That costume you're wearing wouldn't be for him now, would it?" Now, this caused my face to burn up. I quickly looked down, using my bangs to try to hide my massive blush. Ren chuckled at this and leaned down to my ear. "He's in our room.  Also, don't worry he'll absolutely love it. Just don't have too much fun," he whispered before moving back.

      "Thanks, Jinguji-san!" I said running off towards their door room. Before knocking on the door I took a deep breath. "Ranmaru, could I come in?" I asked softly.

        The door soon opened revealing a blushing Ranmaru. He hastily grabbed me and pulled me into the room before closing the door. "What the hell are you wearing, baka!" he yelled. I flinched slightly and said nothing. As Ranmaru continued to yell I slowly started to whimper and cry. The rocked cursed under his breath once he noticed this and hugged me. 

         "I j-just w-wanted t-to surprise you," I softly stuttered.  Ranmaru tensed for a moment before cupping my cheek and looking into my (e/c) orbs. "R-Ranmaru?"

         Ranmaru leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I soon melted into it and kissed back. At first, it was sweet and gentle but it soon became rough and needy. Ranmaru grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist as he brought me over to his bed. He set me down and got on top of me without breaking the kiss. I mentally cursed because the need for oxygen caused us to pull back.

        After catching our breaths, Ranmaru started to undress me and then himself. "A-are you sure about this, (Y/n)?" he asked, sounding unsure if I really wanted this. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him gently. 

       "I want this Ranmaru. I love you and I want you to be both my very first and my last," He then slowly pushed himself into me. I clung to the bedsheets as tears ran down my cheeks. Ranmaru whispered sweet nothings into my ears to try to take my mind off the pain. Pretty soon the pain subsided, leaving only pleasure.

       "Ranmaru," I moaned his name. He took this as a sign that he could move so he began to pound into me with intense speed. The room was soon filled with pleasurable screams, groans, and panting.  Let's just say Ren and Masato had to find somewhere else to sleep that night.  

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