19yr Haruka X 18 yr Reader (Vampire Knight)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from Polli2123. Because Haruka is actually over 3,000 years old I decided I'd make this a modern oneshot so it would be easier. I wasn't really sure where to go about this so I hope it's not too bad. Anyways, I hope you enjoyo(^-^)o 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


I sit down on a park bench in a complete daze as my mind flashing back towards the dream I had last night. It was rather strange I must say. In the dream, I had met this young man.  He had dark brown hair and garnet eyes. Oh, how I wish he was real.

Flashback to the dream~

I was walking through this forest that was filled with sakura trees when suddenly I heard shouting. When I turned to see what was going on someone knocked me down, falling on me in the process. I had closed my eyes while dealing with the impact. When I reopened my eyes, my e/c orbs met with breathtaking garment ones. The owner of these eyes was a man with dark brown hair. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" the man said in shock as he quickly got off of me and offered me a hand. "Here let me help you out," I take his hand and stand up. We pull our hands away and I begin to dust myself off. "Again I'm very sorry. I should have paid more attention." I looked at him and giggled.

"No one's hurt so it's fine." I smiled at him. "My names (Y/n). It's nice to meet you." I introduce myself. The man had a light blush on his face as he smiled back warmly.

"My name is Haruka. It's nice to meet you to, (Y/n)," he gently takes my hand and places a soft kiss on my knuckles. My face heated up instantly. Haruka noticed this and chuckled lightly. "I must say (Y/n) that you are quite the beautiful woman. Especially when blushing like so." Haruka cupped my cheek and looked deeply into my eyes. I blush darker and look into his eyes as well. We both began to lean in and our lips soon briefly touched.

End flashback of dream~

That's when I had woken up. Now all I can think about is this Haruka guy and he's not even real! I get tired of just sitting on the bench so I stand up and began walking around. As I was walking I happened to stop by a sakura tree. I place my hand on the tree and thought of Haruka. I let out a soft sigh and frowned. Just then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me, (Y/n)?" a familiar voice asked. My eyes widened as I spun around to see just the person I was hoping to see. 

"H-Haruka?!" I stared at him in disbelief. He simply chuckled and brought me into an embrace. I snuggled against his chest to hide the deep blush that formed on my cheeks.

"(Y/n) could you please look up at me?" he asked softly. I slowly lift my head up and look into his eyes. That's when the most amazing thing happened. Our lips connected with a sweet and loving kiss. Haruka wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. When we pulled back we pressed our foreheads together. 

"I love you," we said unison.

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