Hagi X Reader (Blood +)

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This is a request from my loving mother 😊

(In this Hagi isn't a Chevalier and he's not in love with Saya)

I was walking around in the manor's garden when I heard a faint sound of music. The sound was elegant and breathtaking. Without thinking my body followed the sound, leading me all the way to the end of the garden. As I made my way closer to the source of the sound I saw my secret crush, Hagi playing his cello.

I didn't want to be rude so I just stood still and waited for Hagi to finish his song. The way he played was so entrancing that I just couldn't turn away. Hagi soon finished his piece and stood up off the bench he was sitting on. "Ah, Hagi-san that was amazing! You play the cello beautifully," I beamed

"Thank you (L/n)," he thanked with a soft tone. I giggled and he looked at me with confusion.

"Oh, Hagi you're always so formal. You can just call me (F/n)," I explained, giggling some more. Hagi gave me a rare smile and I smiled back in return.

"Alright, (F/n)," he responded. Seeing Hagi smile was so cute that I couldn't resist walking up to him and standing on the very tips of my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. when I moved back Hagi's eyes were wide.

"Hehe you know, I wouldn't mind a private concert," I said before walking off.

"I wouldn't mind that either," I heard Hagi mutter before leaving.

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