Masaya X Reader (Tokyo Mew Mew)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from Polli2123. Hope you enjoy ∩( ・ω・)∩

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


My name is (Y/n) and I'm 16 years old. I'm really into anime and Japanese stuff. I guess you can just call me an otaku hehe. I was watching an anime I found on YouTube when I somehow managed to get sucked up into it! That anime was Tokyo Mew Mew. What's strange is that for some reason I'm treated as though I'm actually part of the show! Like I'm apparently Masaya Aoyama's childhood friend! Like how?! Anyways I managed to get sucked in the first episode so instead of Masaya going on that "date" with just Ichigo, it was her, him, and I just hanging out. I'll tell you what though, I seriously wanted to punch Ichigo because whenever Masaya wasn't looking she'd glare at me. Like jealous much? Right now Masaya and I are walking home from school.

"Isn't it just great out today, (Y/n)-san?" he asked looking at me with a warm smile. If this was a guy from the real world I would have said sure and continued walking but let's face it, anime guys are so cute and Masaya is one of the cutest. I gave a nod and sweetly giggled.

"It sure is. Never thought the sky could look this beautiful before. It's really breathtaking," Just then a fellow classmate appeared and walked up to us. He was a classmate from my biology class. He's a rather popular guy. He doesn't have a huge rep like Masaya but he's pretty well known around the school.

"(L/n)-san, could we maybe talk for a moment?" he asked me with a light blush dusting his cheeks. I was about to give a response when Masaya suddenly grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back.

"I'm sorry but (Y/n)-san and I really must be heading home now," Masaya said before walking off, dragging me with him. I shot my classmate an apologetic smile before letting my "childhood" friend drag me out of his sight. Once we were at a decent distance we stopped and Masaya released my hand.

"What was that all about Masa-chan?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. The said male blushed darkly and quickly turned his head away from me. He then started to nervously rub the back of his head.

"S-sorry about that. It's just I knew what he was gonna talk to you about and I grew scared," he said. I looked at him questioningly. He sighed and turned his head back to face me before continuing on. "He was about to confess to you and I was scared I was gonna lose you, my crush, to another,"  His confession caused my face to heat up and turn fifty shades of red.

"Y-yo-you l-like m-me? Wh-what a-about Ichigo? Aren't you guys a thing?" I asked stuttering at the beginning.

"Ichigo is a sweet girl but she's not the one for me. You are. I want to save the planet with you (Y/n) and you alone," By now I was crying tears of joy. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He managed to catch me but stumbled back a little in surprise. 

"You're such a goof, you know that? I love you, Masa-chan!" 

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