Cheating Laito X reader Pt1 (Diabolik Lovers)

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"Hey, Baru-chan!" I greeted the albino tsundere vampire. "Have you see Laito by any chance? I haven't seen him since this when we first arrived at school,"

"He's probably up on the roof. He likes to go up there often," he responded making sure to add his signature 'tsk' at the end. I gave him a quick hug. 

"Thanks, Baru-chan!"  I then walk off and slowly make my way up to the roof. 'I hope Laito's okay. Lately, I've noticed that he's been acting distant towards me. He used to always walk me to my classes and would constantly shower me with affection, but now he's acting different and it's starting to scare me.' As I make my way closer to the door to the rooftop I began to hear female moans.

I open the door slightly and freeze with my (e/c) eyes wide. There, my boyfriend, Laito was, having sex with some blonde chick. This made my blood boil and I slammed the door wide open, startling the two. "You pathetic man hoe!" I screamed. Laito looked at me with pure shock overwhelming his emerald orbs and tried to move but I stopped him. "Oh, no don't stop. What's the point? You already screwed up. I'm done with you," I said taking off the necklace he gave me for our six month anniversary and threw it on the ground before walking away.

I ran all the way into the girl's bathroom and locked myself in one of the bathroom's stalls. "I-I-I can't believe he did this to me!" I hug my knees to my chest and cry.

"(F/n)? Are you okay?" one of my best friends asked knocking on my stall. "I saw you run in here and you looked upset,"

"L-Laito's been ch-cheating on me!" I chocked still sobbing. I unlock the stall and open the door before letting her hug me.

"Hey, he doesn't deserve you. You are a strong, smart, and beautiful girl. If he can't see that then he's not worth your tears. You don't need him," she said trying to comfort me. After finally calming down I thank her and decide to go home early.  

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