Camus X Idol Reader (Uta No Prince Sama)

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Hi, Minna-san! This is a request from the wonderful JimmeyDorjee. I'm not very good with Camus and his personnel so I apologize if this is bad but I hoped you enjoyed it anyways (≧∇≦)/   

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I'm a successful Idol for the Shining Agency and right now I'm meeting up with some of Saotome's newest Idol group, Starish. I had just listened to all the introductions of each member when the last one gently took my hand in his and placed a soft kiss on it. "My name is Cecil. It's nice to meet you, princess," He was about to kiss my hand again when out of nowhere this scepter thing landed with full force on his head. 

"Just what do you think you're doing, peasant!?" a deep voice scolded.  I looked up in shock to find that the owner of both the voice and the scepter was a tall male with long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. 

"I was only introducing myself!" Cecil whined as he was wincing in pain. I looked at the two males and softly giggles. 

"Thank you, Camus but there was no need for you to be so harsh," I said glancing at Cecil with an apologetic look.

"If you're always soft on him he'll never learn," the blonde-haired male snapped. 

"Now, Now Camus. Let's play nice," a brown-haired male with silver eyes said as he walked over towards me. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you (F/n) (L/n),"

"Likewise Reiji-san," I replied with a smile. After that, the rest of Quartet Night entered the room and we all have a good civil conversation. The whole time I could feel Camus looking at me. Me, being the polite person that I was, chose to ignore his stares. Soon it was time for me to leave and I was about to enter my car when a hand landed on my shoulder. When I turned around I was surprised to find it was Camus.  

"Yes, Camus? Was there something you needed?" I questioned. I noticed a small blush on his face and he coughed awkwardly to clear his throat.

"It would be a pleasure if you'd accompany me to a formal gather next week," he said trying to look anywhere other than to look at me. I let out a giggle and kiss his cheek.

"The pleasure shall be all mine. Til then," I winked before entering my car and drove off. As soon as the everything was out of sight I let out the breath I'd been holding in and my heart rate went off the charts. "I was just asked out by my crush!" 

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