Ayato X Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from Zareen321. I hope you enjoy o(≧∇≦o)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Some might say that Ayato Sakamaki is just a self-conceited male who cares only about himself. That he's possessive and cruel. If you really knew Ayato you'd know none of that is actually true. Ayato is actually a little bit self-conscience and though he doesn't like to show it in public, he's actually a sweetheart. He may seem like he's possessive but he's really just overprotective. I of all people should know. I am his girlfriend after all. Right now Ayato and I are chilling at my house watching (Random Tv show) while cuddling. Yes, he and I like to cuddle. I mean who doesn't like cuddling? Heh never mind that question. I have to remember people like Reiji live in this world as well. I don't mind Reiji, but I don't particularly enjoy his presence either. 

Anyways, as Ayato and I were cuddling Ayato lightly tightened his arms around me. I look up at him and smile. He smiles back and kisses my forehead. "I love you, (N/n)," he said nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, my adorable oreo," I giggled. Ayato pulled back with a pout as his face was bright pink.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't use that nickname," he mumbled turning his head away from me and started pouting more.

"I agreed not to use it in front of others," I state using a "matter of fact" tone. " We're all alone, therefore I can use it all I want," Ayato whined and covered his blushing face with his hands. I grab his wrists. "Hey, if you keep hiding that sexy face of yours then I won't be able to kiss you," I then release his wrists so that he could move his hand. 

"I want kisses and snuggles," he mumbled while puffing out his cheeks. I sweetly laughed at his childish behavior before pecking his lips. 

"Alright. Kisses and snuggles it is," 

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