Ryou Shirogane (Tokyo Mew Mew)

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Hello, Minna-san! So this is a thirty minutes in heaven oneshot from one of the books I have that I've decided to get rid of since I don't ever update it anymore. Hope you enjoy (/^▽^)/

💕Neko Diva Queen💕


I placed my hand in the hat and moved it around. I soon felt something and pulled it out. Once I saw what it was I lightly blushed. 'Ryou's red choker!' I hesitantly raised the object up. Ichigo grinned at me.

"Oh Ryou, Y/n-chan picked your object," she sang as she drags us both to the closet. Now you two have fun in there and remember only thirty minutes," she said pushing us into the small dark space. Once the door shut and was locked I moved to a corner and sat down.

'Of all people why did I have to choose HIS item?' It's true that I had feelings for this blond teen, but I've always been too scared to tell him. I mean I'm pretty sure he has feelings for Ichigo. After a few moments in silence, Ryou spoke up.

"Y/n, you seem distant, considering the rules of this game," I couldn't see but I could hear the smirk from his teasing tone. I was glad it was so dark that he probably couldn't see the giant blush that was dusting my cheeks.

"I-I-I didn't think you'd want to do anything," I mentally scold myself for stuttering. Ryou chuckled. Suddenly I could feel Ryou sitting right next to me.

"Is (Y/n) nervous?" he teased.

"N-no I'm not," I try to defend myself, though my stutter doesn't make me should so convincing.

"Oh? If that's so then why are you stuttering? Is it because you like me?" Hearing this makes me freeze. I had no idea what to do or say. Then out of nowhere I suddenly feel warm lips on mine. I was completely shocked at first but soon relaxed and kissed back.

Pretty soon the kiss became hot and needy. We began using tongue. As our tongues danced, fighting for dominance, Ryou pushed me down and got on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even more.

We pulled back for air and Ryou started leaving butterfly kisses down my neck. I lightly moaned his name once he landed on my sweet spot. He smirked and began licking and sucking on the one spot. I moaned continuously in his ear as he did so.

The closet was soon consumed with light. Ryou stopped assaulting my sweet spot but made no effort to move. "Well now, I wasn't expecting you two to have THAT much fun," Ichigo teased. I blush tomato red. Ryou tsked at her and slowly got off of me. He extended his hand out to me and helped me up.

When we walked out of the closet everyone stared at us. "Um looks like you two had a good time," Mint teased, pointing at my neck. That's when it hit me. My face turned even redder, if possible. Ryou wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear.

"I guess this means you're mine now,"  

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