Mikuni X Reader (Servamp)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is another request from PaulinaHikari. Hope you enjoy  (≧∇≦)/

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I looked at the scene in front of me with flames in my (e/c) orbs. Mikuni, my boss was over talking to a customer about how adorable and amazing his doll, Abel, was. 'Curse that stupid doll! why couldn't he do that to me? Why did it have to be some stupid doll?' I mentally whined. You see I stumbled upon Mikuni's antique shop four months ago looking for a job and he made me the shop's cashier. Ever since then I've managed to grow a crush on the blonde-haired male. I pulled myself out of my daze and noticed the customer's discomfort as he exited the shop.

"Why do people always do that when I talk about you, Abel," Mikuni asked his doll as small tears welled in his eyes. "It just makes no sense," I walk over towards him and over him a small smile.

"It's okay Mikuni-san. Some people just don't understand," I said trying to cheer him up. Mikuni grinned and was about to say something when a gunshot went off and something passed right through the blonde male's hat. 

"I'm hungry," Jeje whined. "Give me your blood like you promised," I sweatdrop and look at Mikuni with the "Please give him what he wants before he actually kills one of us" look. 

"Fine, fine. Just give me a second," Mikuni answered. I didn't want to be caught witnessing anything so I went to the back of the shop to get my stuff together so I could leave for the night. When I returned Jeje seemed to be satisfied so Mikuni must have given him his blood already. 

"Well, I'm done for the night. See you guys tomorrow!" I waved. Jeje gave me a nod but Mikuni was too focused on Abel to pay attention to me. I let out a deep sigh and left the shop. 'What does that doll have that I don't? It's not even living! Why won't he at least give me a glance? Why aren't I enough?' While I was engulfed in my thoughts, I failed to notice the group of males approaching me.

"Hey, there pretty lady. What are you doing out here all alone?" one f the men asked bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Uh, I have to get going," I said trying to leave but the men circled me.

"Oh come on, why not stay with us?" the second male asked leaning close to me. "I promise we won't be too rough," He grabbed me by the arm and pinned me against a wall. 

"Let go of me!" I screamed. the man just chuckled as him and his friends smirked devilishly at me. Just as the man was about to lean closer to me, he was shot in the leg. He screamed in pain as two familiar figures came over to us.

"Now, I think the pretty lady made it clear she didn't want anything to do with all of you so why don't you take your friend here and leave," Mikuni warned. The men looked like they wanted to protest but when Jeje aimed his guns at them the quickly grabbed their friend and left. After the men left Mikuni looked at my trembling figure.

Mikuni walked over to me and brought me into a tight embrace. "It's alright now, (Y/n)," he said in a soft tone. I sobbed uncontrollably into his arms. After I calmed down Mikuni kissed my forehead. "Are you better now, my princess?" he asked softly.

I blushed at his actions and gave a shy nod. "Y-yeah, I'm okay now. Thank you for saving me Mikuni-san," He smiled warmly at me. 

"Of course. How could I not save my favorite girl?" He exclaimed. My face instantly heated, leaving me a tomato.

"I-I-I-I th-thought A-Ab-Abel w-was y-yo-you're f-favorite g-girl," I stuttered. The blonde male chuckled at my response. 

"She's my favorite doll, (Y/n). You're my favorite girl," he said looking into my (e/c) orbs. 

"A-and you're my favorite guy," I confessed, my face becoming even darker. mikuni lifted my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It took me a second to get over my shock but once I did I kissed back. The kiss lasted for a minute and we pulled back. Mikuni had a grin on his face and he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"Let's be on our way now, my love. We have many things to do once we get home," he winked at me. 


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