Sardon X Reader Pt2 (Mew Mew Power)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is pt2 of the last update and it was requested by WolfGirlN. I hope you enjoy (*^▽^*)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Your POV~

It's been two weeks since I encountered Sardon and he's been all I've been able to think about. 'I wonder where he is right now. Does he even remember me? It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. I mean it has been two weeks and that was the first time we saw each other.' I pulled myself out of my thoughts once I heard my friends calling for me. "Hang on I'm coming!"

??? POV~

I watched as the girl ran towards her friends. 'So this is the cute toy Sardon has his eye on. I don't really care that he's fallen for a human, I get want to mess with him. That's why I'm going to fuse her with a chimera.' I quickly got ready to execute the plan.

Your POV~

"So (Y/n) whose the guy you're always daydreaming about?" One of my friends asked. Heat instantly rushed to my face and flung my arms in panic.

"Wh-what?! Th-there's no guy. I don't know what you're talking about." I laughed nervously. My friends all gave me the 'We all know you're lying' look. 

"Seriously?  For the past two weeks, you've been spacing out with a lovestruck expression on your face. There has to be a guy." All of them stared at me waiting for the juicy information.

"It was just a guy I met two weeks ago and haven't seen since." I finally answered with a sad sigh. They gave me a nod and changed the topic. After a while, my friends were picked up and I was making my way home.

"So you like Sardon, huh?" a voice said from behind me. I quickly spun around to see a man with green hair, yellow eyes, and ears that just like Sardons. "The names Dren and I happen to be an acquiescence of his." 

"Can you tell me where he is?" I asked tilting my head. The green-haired male chuckled and made a weird jellyfish-like creature appear in his hand.

"Sorry, sunshine but I have something more fun and entertaining planned for you. Now, go!" He through the jellyfish thing towards me. I tightly close my eyes and wait for impact. 

"Dren! What is the meaning of?" I heard Sardon growl at Dren. I open my eyes to see that Sardon had caught the jellyfish creature and was standing in front of me. 

"Oh nothing," Dren giggled. "I just wanted to mess with you a little," he then looked at me. "Well, Sar-sar came and ruined the fun so I'm outta here."  With that, he disappeared. I was still processing all that had happened so I just stood there. 

"It seems the fool figured it out. Very well, I'll just have to come up with a new plan," Sardon mumbled before turning towards me. "I don't have much time to do this so though I truly hate being rash it seems I have no other choice," I was about to ask him what he meant until he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. It took a few seconds to process what was going on but once I did I instantly kissed back. When we pulled back he whispered in my ear. "I'll see you sometime tonight at the spot where we first met." He then gave me a small smile and disappeared. 

'I so can't wait for tonight!'

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