France X Reader (Hetalia)

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" Oh, my lovely colombe!" sang the one and only,  Francis Bonnefoy, or how most people know him as, France.  Francis walked over to me and brought me into a loving hug. "how is my  poupée précieuse?" My face flustered at the new nickname.

"I-I'm d-do-doing a-alright." I stuttered. "What's with the new nickname? I don't mind you giving me them but why 'precious doll'?" I questioned, tilting my head cutely. At that moment Francis' blue orbs sparkled as he chuckled.  He then placed a soft kiss on my forehead before stepping back and gave a clap with his hands. 

"It's because you're such a jolie petite fille," the blonde french man said teasily. Massive heat rushed to my cheeks. I cross my arms and pout childishly.

"Oi, shut it you bouffon!" I squeaked. France chuckled once again as he shook his head playfully and wore  a smirk on his lips.

"Aw is my  poupée précieuse getting embarassed? You know that only makes you even cuter," he cooed. I balled my fists and turned my head to hide my blushing face.

"Tais-toi et embrasse-moi," I muttered. France wasted no time to place his hand on my hips. I turned my head to look at him and gave him a small smile as we both leaned in until our lips met. The kiss was sweet and only lasted a few seconds before we pulled away. "Je t'aime,"

"Je t'aime mon seul et unique amour,"

For those who don't know much French

colombe (Dove)

  poupée précieuse (Precious doll) 

  jolie petite fille (Cute little girl) 

  bouffon (Fool) 

  Tais-toi et embrasse-moi (Just shut up and kiss me) 

  Je t'aime (I love you) 

  Je t'aime mon seul et unique amour (I love you my one and only) 

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