Ren X Reader (Utapri)

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It was a normal day at the master course as I was sitting in a chair listening to Nanami play the piano. "That was amazing Haruka-chan!" I cheered clapping my hands together. Nanami gave me a bright smile. 

"Thank you (Y/n)!" she thanked. "I hope  Mr. Shining likes it," she said in a hopeful tone. I softly giggle at her comment.

"I'm certain he will. He always loves your music Haruka-chan," I replied smiling softly. 

"Now, what would you two lovely ladies be doing?" a familiar voice asked. I turn around to see Ren making his way towards us. 

"Oh, Hello Jinguji-san," Nanami greeted. Ren walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"Hello, little lamb," he greeted back with a wink.  Nanami began to blush like crazy. This caused my chest to tighten but I ignored it and continued to smile. 

"Um, well Haruka-chan I'll be going now. Just keep up the work, okay?" I said walking away. I could hear Nanami call me but I chose to continue walking. The moment I got to my room my smile fell and was replaced with a frown as tears rolled my cheeks. I made my way over to my bed and cry myself to sleep. 'I love him and yet all he sees is her,'

Time skip~ 

I slowly open my eyes and look over at my clock. 11:00 at night. I let out a heavy sigh as I got up and left my room. I make my way to the kitchen to fill up a glass of water. As I take a sip of the water a familiar strawberry blonde figures makes its way into the kitchen.

"What brings you here so late at night, my lady?" Ren asked. He gave me his signature charming smile. 

"Just came to get a glass of water," I answered smiling lightly back. "What about you? What brings you here so late at night?" I questioned back. Ren let out a small chuckle.

"I guess you can say I couldn't sleep and overheard you walking around so I decided to see what you were up to," he answered honestly. I gave him a nod. 

"I see," After that, it was pretty silent. It started to feel awkward so I quickly finished my water and began to walk off to my room. "Well, goodnight Jinguji-san," Before I could leave Ren gently grabbed my hand.

"(Y/n)," Ren called. "Earlier you were acting a little strange. Is everything alright?" he asked concerned. 

"I'm fine Ren," I answered looking down. "C-can you let go of me now?" Ren cupped my cheek with his hand and lift my head up so that I'm looking into his blue eyes.  "R-Ren?"

"I want you to please tell me the truth. If something's wrong I need to know. I hate seeing my precious lady is upset,"

"Please don't call me that. We both know you only have eyes for Haruka-chan so you're only wasting time trying to flatter me," I said bluntly. I managed to free myself from Ren's grip and walked back to my room. Once I made it back to my room I laid back down on my bed. I was just about to go back to sleep when my bedroom door opened and Ren entered my room, shutting my door behind him.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. Ren walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. 

"(Y/n) is that why you've been acting strange? Because You thought I loved little lamb? Were you jealous?" he asked moving closer to me. Heat instantly rushed to my cheeks.

"I-I-I wasn't jealous. I was heartbroken. Th-there's a difference you know," I said just above a whisper. What Ren did next shocked me. I was soon pinned to the bed. "Ren?!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm only like that with little lamb because I never knew you liked me," he said. 

"I-I-I d-don't l-like y-yo-you. I-I lo-love y-you," I confessed. I turned my head to try to hide my massive blush. 

"(Y/n) please look at me?" Ren asked with a gentle tone. I hesitantly turned my head to look at him. "That's better," Ren then leaned down and brought his lips to mine.  When we pulled away Ren laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms. "Goodnight, my one, and only precious lady,"

"Goodnight, Ren,"

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