Ayato X Reader ~Lemon~ (Diabolik Lovers)

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I've been in the Sakamaki mansion for about a month now. I know they're vampires and they only see me as food, but for some reason, none of them has tried to bite me. I'm not complaining by any means. I'm glad actually. I just find it odd. Just what are they planning? As of now, I'm on my way to my room when suddenly someone appeared right in front of me.

"Nufu Bitch chan where do you think you're going? Why not come into my room and play with me? I promise to make you scream my name all night long,"

I sweat drop. "Um, that's alright Laito-san. I think I'll pass," I said softly, turning away from the fedora-wearing male. Laito grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me closer to him. He then wrapped his hands around my neck and backed me against the wall.
"Now that wasn't very smart of you Bitch chan. I was gonna be nice and only give you pleasure, but it seems I'll have to give you a punishment now," he said giving me a devilish smirk as his eyes were clouded with lust.

'Oh fuck! He's gonna rape me! Shit, shit, shit!' I squeeze my eyes shut, completely terrified.

"Oi, What the fuck do you think you're doing!? Chichinashi belongs to Ore-sama!" Ayato yelled, forcing Laito away from me. I quickly run behind Ayato and silently cry.

"Nufu you're always so possessive. Bitch chan belongs to everyone," Laito pouted, walking away.

Ayato growled and turned towards me. "What the hell were you doing with him?! You're Ore-sama's and Ore-sama's alone!" he shouted. This angered me for some reason.

"Excuse me?! He's the one who tried to kill me because I told him I didn't want to "play"! Anyways why the hell would you care?! All I am to you is a flat chested blood bag!" I snapped, storming off to my room, leaving a stunned Ayato behind. When I entered my room I slammed the door behind me. I then throw myself on my bed.

'Ugh, that jerk! He made it seem like I wanted to be choked to death. How did I even fall for such an ass? Dammit!' Soon a knock appeared on my door. I let out a frustrated groan before getting up and answering the door. When I saw who was at my door I immediately tried to shut the door, only to have Ayato stop the door with his hand.

"Let me in or I'll just teleport myself in," he said softly, yet still firm. I give out a heavy sigh and open the door.

"What the hell do you want?" I grumbled, crossing my arms and glaring at him. Ayato put his down and mumbled something. "Excuse me, but what was that? I couldn't understand you through your mumbling,"

Ayato growled. "I said I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have snapped at you like that," He let out a frustrated sigh. "It's just seeing you with anyone else pisses me off. Ore-sama wants you to be his,"

"Have you ever thought of considering how I feel? You can't just claim someone. I'm not an object," I huffed, turning my head. When I glanced at Ayato he looked as though he was gonna cry. 'Maybe I'm being too hard on him.' I sigh and hug him. "I accept your apology, but next time you snap at me like that I won't be so forgiving,"

Ayato wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "You're a strange mortal," he softly chuckled. "Probably the only one that'll ever get Ore-sama to apologize for anything,"

"Why is that by the way? Why am I so different to you?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

" I don't know what you're talking about? I-I just pity you," he replied, quickly turning his head, failing to keep me from seeing his blush.

"Uh huh...that's kind of funny because one, you just referred to yourself in the first person, instead of calling yourself "Ore-sama", second, you stuttered, and third, you're blushing. Want to tell me the truth?" I say, smirking amusedly.

"Oi, shut up!" he yelled, his face now crimson. I squealed and nuzzled into his chest.

"You're just too cute embarrassed like this Oreo chan!" I giggled.

"Shit, why do you have to be so fucking cute?" he mumbled. Now it was my turn to blush.

"Y-you think I'm cute?" At that moment my heart was pounding. Ayato chuckled and leaned down to my ear.

"Oh not just cute, but completely irresistible," he whispered, nipping my ear. "You're so irresistible that I'm having trouble holding back from taking you right here and now,"

A gasp escaped my lips as my blush worsened. "A-Ayato?! I-I-I um.." Ayato chuckled and picked me up bridal style. "H-hey, What are you doing?" I ask as he sets me on the bed. He then crawls on top of me and smirks down at me.

"I can't hold back anymore. Tonight, I plan on tainting all your innocence," he said licking his lips. Ayato then kissed me hungrily and forcefully slid his tongue into my mouth. I let out a soft moan and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'My whole body, it's getting really hot.'

Ayato pulled away. "It seems like someone is very eager," he teased. I squirmed under him.

"D-don't tease me," I pouted. "And what are you doing? I mean does this mean? Does all this even have meaning to it, or are you just planning on using me then go back to treating me like an object?" Tears began to fall down my cheeks.

Ayato gave me a rare sweet smile and gently wiped my tears. "You truly are dense. I'm doing this because I want you. I don't want to just fuck, I want to make love to you. I love you Y/n,"

I was so overjoyed that without thinking I brought Ayato's face into my chest and squealed. "I love you to Oreo chan!"

"It seems I misjudged your size. Looks like calling you chichinashi is out of the question," he snickered. I tried to push him back, but he wouldn't move. Instead, he nuzzled further into my chest. I gasped when suddenly something wet touched the top of one of my breast.

"Ayato," I moaned out softly. I could feel the smirk growing on Ayato's face as he begins to nip at the same spot as before. A louder moan escapes my lips. 'If this keeps up I don't know if I can control myself.' Ayato slowly brought his right hand down and began to gently rub my lower region.

I gasped and moaned extremely loud. "My, my aren't you a naughty girl. Looks like someone wants me to punish them," he cooed, rubbing harder.

"P-please Ore-sama? Punish me. I-I can't take anymore!" I desperately begged in between moans. The next thing I knew both our clothes were gone and Ayato was running his tongue down my body. "Ore-sama.", I moaned. Ayato growled seductively as he reached my lower region and lick my clit.

I let out a pleasurable scream. "You're already close and I haven't even entered you yet," he chuckled before inserting his tongue into me. I let out more screams as he thrusts his tongue in and out of me and sometimes curling it up while inside. Pretty soon I began to feel this pressure building up.

"Ore sama..I-I think I'm getting really close," I moaned. Ayato chuckled and suddenly began to suck. I gasped and held his head, screaming as I came in his mouth. After a while, my heat died down. Ayato lifted his head and licked his lips.

"You taste so sweet. I can't wait to taint that sweetness," No even a second later Ayato thrusts his manhood into me. I cry out in pain as he whispers sweet nothings into my ear. Soon I give him the okay to move and he begins pounding into me with inhuman speed. Let's just say all that could be heard throughout the mansion was our moans and pleasurable screams. 

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