Yandere Quartet Night X Bullied Lil Sis Reader (Utapri)

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Heyo, Minna-san! This was a request from RukiaChappySama. I was a little lost on how to go about this so I apologize if it's really bad. Even so, I hope you enjoy 。◕‿◕。

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Today's another day of hearing Nanami tell me I'm not good enough to be a composer. She always goes on and on about how great she is and how everyone loves her music. How I'll never be a great as she is and how I should just give up. Of course, me being the nice tolerate person that I am, I just take all her hurtful words but on the inside, I'm so pissed off that I want to punch the daylights out of this girl. After she finishes her usual insults and leaves I make my way over towards the piano and work on my latest song.

I didn't realize it, but someone or should I say some people were watching everything that had happened with Nanami and was listening to the music I was creating. "Chibi-chan your song is amazing!" a familiar voice clapped. I jolt up and see my closest friends, Reiji, Ranmaru, Ai, and Camus. The five of us are so close, we're all like siblings.

"th-thanks Rei-chan!" I thanked him, blushing lightly. "I still have a lot to do before it's perfect though," I sighed heavily.

"Don't listen to what that brat says. Your music is great, kid," Ranmaru said placing a hand on my head and ruffles my hair. 

"That peasant doesn't know what she's talking about," Camus said with a huff.

"(Y/n), how long has she been treating you like this?" Ai asked. Everyone looked at me with concern.

"Ev-ever since I started being her kouhai. It's no big deal though, really," I said chuckling nervously as I sensed their dark demonic aura.

"Don't worry Chibi-chan. Everything will be just fine," Reiji reassured. I'm not going to get too into it but let's just say no one heard from Nanami ever again after that. I know they have something to do with her disappearance but I'm honestly too terrified to question them about it. Some of Starish have though and that didn't go well. Let's just say now Starish is completely petrified to confront their senpais. 

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