Ren X Shy Reader (Utapri)

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Today I was taking my younger teenage sister to some concert she wanted to go to. She went on and on about how her favorite band, Starish was gonna perform. At first, my parents told her no saying they couldn't take her because they had work to do so like the good sister I am, I shyly agreed to take her for them. They eventually agreed and so that leads us to now. We had just pulled up in the parking lot.

 My sister got out of the car and looked at me. "Are you sure you don't want to come with (Y/n)? The concert may last a while," my sister asked me looking at me with concern.

"(S/n), you know I don't do very well with crowds. Don't worry I'll be just fine here in the car. You just go and have fun," I softly replied giving her a small smile. She gave me a smile back and went off to her concert.

 I'll admit, it would be more fun to go in there and watch the band's performance for I too liked a few of Starish's songs but the thought of being surrounded by all those people just doesn't sit with me all too well. I was so lost in my own thoughts I failed to notice a figure walking up to my car window. That is until that figure gave my window a gentle knock. 

Jolting in shock I look over at my window to see an attractive strawberry blonde male with blue eyes. I hesitantly roll down my window and address the male in front of me. "U-um y-ye-yes? I-is th-there s-s-so-something w-wrong?" I asked stuttering my words. The young male chuckled at my shy nature.

"Relax little lamb, there's no need to be all shy. I was only wondering why such a pretty lamb such as yourself is out here all on her own instead of inside. Aren't you here for the concert," he exclaimed making the last part a question.

"I took my younger sister. I'm not very good with crowds so I told her I'd just wait in the car," I explained softly.

 "I see," he responded. He looked as though he was figuring out what to say next. "So you're a shy one, huh?" he questioned. "Well, I don't think a pretty lamb like you should hide your beauty. I'll be honest, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,"

His words brought a deep blush to my face. "Wh-why thank you..erm..-"

"Ren. Ren Jinguji,"

"Th-thank you Ren Jinguji," I thanked him with a small smile.

"There's no need to thank me, my dear lamb. Here take this," Ren said giving me a card. The card contained both his name and number. "I have to go but I hope to hear from you soon," he said giving me a wink before leaving. I just sat there in pure shock.

An hour and a half later my sister came back to the car and was a squealing mess. After calming down my sister looked towards me. "So how was sitting in the car? Please tell me it wasn't too painful? If so I promise not to drag you to concerts ever again," I giggled at my sister's outburst.

"Actually, it wasn't all that bad. I k-kinda g-go-got a-a c-cu-cute g-guy's n-num-number," I replied showing my sister the card. 

"Oh, my, gosh! You got Ren Jinguji's number?! He's one of the singer's in Starish!" (S/n) squealed. Let's just say one, my face was a tomato, two, my sister teased me until I dropped her off at home and three, I was definitely gonna give this Ren a call here soon.

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