Sardon X Reader Pt3 (Mew Mew Power)

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Heyo, Minna-san! This is my third update today! Anyways, this is the final part of this Sardon X reader oneshot and it was requested by WolfGirlN. I hope you enjoy(✿◠‿◠)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


I'm sitting on my bed watching the clock. 'It's almost time to see him. I should start heading out now.' I get up and make my way out the house and back to where we first met. When I arrived he still wasn't there so I thought back to our first encounter. 'He's truly my knight. I mean he's saved me twice now.' I was pulled out of my thoughts when arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"You're gonna end up getting me into a lot of trouble," he said softly. I let out a light giggle.

"But aren't you the one coming back to me? You can't blame me for something you're choosing to do on your own free will." I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Hm, I guess you have a valid point there. But you are unlike any human I've faced before. Your unique personality intrigues me. A little too much might I add." We both looked into each other's eyes. Sardon leaned down and place a sweet kiss on my lips. 

"So this is where you ran off to Sardon?" Dren smirked at us. We pulled away from each other with blushes on our faces. 

"So Sardon has feelings for a human as well?" A short boy who had ears like Sardon said.

"That's Right Tart. Sardon the all mighty loyal one to Deep Blue, is in love with the enemy just as we are."

"I guess I should have asked sooner but could you guys explain everything to me. I know nothing about you guys," I laughed nervously while scratching my cheek. The three male looked at me and told me everything. "So what are you guys going to do now?"

"Given the situation, the only thing we can do is go against Deep Blue and find another way to save our planet," Sardon said taking my hand in his and lightly squeezes it. 

"Then that's what we'll do," Dren concluded. "Now, come on Tart. Let's leave these two lovebirds alone." he and Tart snickered before disappearing.

"Those two are so childish." Sardon sighed. I giggled in response and kissed his cheek. He smiled lightly and kissed my forehead. We then sat down and looked the stars for the rest of the night while sharing soft kisses and snuggles.

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