Hajime X Wife Reader (Nanbaka)

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This was a request from my loving friend, ⚜️Gali⚜️. Hope you enjoy!^^

  🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭 


Today is my husband's and my anniversary and sadly we're spending it once again in his office at the Nanbaka prison. Who might be my husband you wonder? Well, none other than the intimidating Hajime Sugoroku of course.  That's right I'm his wife. I'm (Y/n) Sugoroku. "Haji, why do we always have to spend our anniversary like this?" I whined. Hajime let out a deep sigh.

"I know you're tired of spending our anniversary here but those idiots love to try to escape and the other guards can't seem to do their jobs," my husband explained. He placed a hand on my cheek and looked lovingly into my (e/c) orbs. "I wish there was a way I could give you the romantic anniversary evening you desire but it's my responsibility to make sure they don't escape," I gave him a small smile.

"I know and I love how big you are on responsibility. I just hate spending our special night here," Hajime chuckles and puts his hands on my hips.

"We could still make it special you know," This brought a small blush to my cheeks. We both leaned in until our lips met in a passionate kiss. After a few moments, we pulled back. Hajime sat down in his desk chair and pulled me into his lap. I giggled at his cute action and kissed his cheek. He lightly blushed at this and turned his head in embarrassment.  This caused me to laugh.

"Haji, you're so cute blushing like that!" I laughed. This caused his blush to darken. "Aw is my intimidating man getting embarrassed?" I teased poking his cheek. 

"W-would y-you s-st-stop t-tea-teasing m-me? Wh-what i-if th-the o-other g-guards c-came i-in?" he stuttered. I kissed his nose and smirked. 

"Well, then your reputation as Nanbaka's most intimidating guard would be ruined. The other guards would be calling you Hajime the softy," I teased some more, giggling at the end. Haji wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to my ear.

"Only you are allowed to know of this side of me," he whispered. I lightly squealed and looked deeply into his dark red orbs. Just as we were about to lean in for a kiss the prison's alarms went off. 

"Damn those idoits!"

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