Cheating Laito X Reader Pt2 (Diabolik Lovers)

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Laito's POV~

It's been a week since (F/n) caught me cheating and left me. At first, I felt nothing but soon I felt as though my life had completely shattered. (F/n) brought color into my world and for the first time, I actually felt like I was being loved. Without her, I just feel so empty. After that day I stopped messing with girls. All I do when I'm home is lock myself in my room. I need (F/n). I miss her so much.

Reader's POV~

Now that's been a week since finding out the truth about Laito and I feel so much better. Don't get me wrong, at first, I was devastated, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that he wasn't worth my love and tears.

Right now I'm on my way to my last class when the academy's idol, Kou Mukami stopped in front of me. "Hello, M. Neko-chan!" he greeted me with a sweet smile.

"H-hi K-Kou-san," I greeted back stuttering a little. The blonde idol chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist. "W-wh-what a-are y-yo-you d-doing?!" I squeaked. Kou then pinned me to the nearest wall and sent me a smirk.

"I think I've waited long enough for you, M. Neko-chan," he growled licking his fangs before leaning down towards my neck. I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to arrive. I waited but nothing happened. Instead of feeling the pain I felt Kou's weight off of me.

I open my eyes to see Kou being choked by none other than, Laito. I stood there frozen. 'Laito saved me? Why? It's not like he cares about me,'

"Mukami, I will say this once. I don't care if you want to mess with all the other girls here but (F/n) is off limits. She is mine and mine alone. Do you understand?" If you only focused on his smile you'd think he was joking but the aura surrounding him and the look in his eyes showed that he was completely serious. Laito released him and Kou huffed before leaving.

"L-Laito?" I called out his name still a little shaken up. The said male looked at me with a soft expression. In that exact moment, all my feelings that I have thought I lost towards this man came rushing back. I buried myself against his chest and sobbed. For a moment, he stood there shocked but then wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"(F/n)... I'm sorry. This would never have happened if I hadn't have been a fool and hurt you like that. You have done nothing but show me what real love is and I just took you for granted. I'm so sorry (N/n)!" he cried. Hearing his apology warmed my heart. I brought my head up and looked into his emerald eyes.

"Laito... I-if you promise to never cheat on me again then I wouldn't mind giving us another chance. The truth is, I still love you more than anything but I can't do this unless I know for sure you won't hurt me again," Laito held me in his arms tight and kissed me passionately.

"I promise (N/n). The only one I need in this world is you,"

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