Quartet Night X Bullied Shy Little Sis X Starish (Utapri)

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This was a request from RukiaChappySama. I didn't know how to go about this but I hope you like it O(≧▽≦)O 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I hesitantly made my way inside the master course to see my older brother, Ranmaru. I quickly pull down my sleeve so that the bruises on my arms aren't visible. You see a lot of people don't believe me when I say I'm Ranmaru's little sister since we don't share the same last name and so when some of my fellow schoolmates saw me hanging out with him they started bulling me. I enter the building and make my way over towards my older brother, Ranmaru. "Hi, Ru-Ru-chan," I greeted him giving him a hug. Ranmaru ruffled my hair and gave me a grin.

"Hey there, little brat," my brother greeted back. I softly pout and playful smack his arm earning a chuckle from him. Out of nowhere I was pulled into a hug.

"Kawaii chibi-chan! I'm so happy you're here!" Reiji beamed spinning me around before putting me down and releasing me from the hug. "Ran-Ran, Myu-chan, and Ai-chan have been so mean to me!" the brunette whined. I sweatdrop and just pat his head. I then glance over at the sofa to find Camus and Ai. Camus placed his tea down and looked at me with a small smile.

"Greetings (Y/n)," he said formally like usual. I gave him a nod and then turned my attention towards Ai as he looked up from his laptop. 

"Hello, (Y/n)-san," the cyan-haired male greeted before gluing his eyes back to his laptop. I softly giggled and just as I was about to speak, a group of males entered the room. 

"Who is this lovely lamb?" A strawberry blonde male said flirtatiously walking over to me. hearing the nickname he called me made me blush madly. Ranmaru quickly pulled me behind him and blocked the male.

"Stay the hell away from her you stupid flirt!" my brother shouted protectively. the strawberry blonde smirked and crossed his arms behind his head.

"And who is she to you? A lover possible?" he questioned. 

"Kawaii chibi-chan is Ran-Ran's little sister!" Reiji chimed.

"She's also like a sister to us as well. I advise you to leave her be, peasant," Camus warned sending the strawberry blonde a harsh glare. 

"A-ani-ch-chan's th-there's n-no ne-nee-need f-for th-this. I-it's o-okay," I said in hopes to calm the two down. They turn to me with a soft expression. "A-an-anyways, m-my n-na-name i-is (Y/n)," I introduced myself. Then each of the boys introduced themselves to me. 

"(Y/n)-chan is so cute!" Natsuki squealed picking me up and hugging me. Syo yelled at him to release me so that I can breathe. As Natsuki did this my sleeve moved up revealing my bruises. 

"Kawaii chibi-chan why are there bruises on your arm?!" Reiji cried running over to me and hugging me like a frantic mother would. 

"J-ju-just a-a c-cl-clumsy a-acci-accident," I answered but it looked as though no one bought it. Ranmaru then forced me to look him in the eyes.

"(Y/n). What happen? And I mean what really happened," I looked down at the ground.

"Th-the g-girls a-at s-school. Th-they d-don't l-li-like th-the f-fact I-I'm s-so c-cl-close t-to y-you s-so th-they b-bully m-me," I explained as my eyes started to water. "I-I'm s-so-sorry I-I n-ne-never t-to-told y-yo-you!" I sobbed. My brother pulled me into a protective hug and rubbed my back. 

"You have nothing to worry about (Y/n). Those girls won't be bothering you anymore," he reassured. 

"We'll all go to your school and have a talk with the headmaster," Reiji said. Everyone gave a nod in agreement. 

"Th-thank y-you," I said in a whispere.

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