Lily X Reader (Servamp)

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Okay, I apologize, this one is really bad but it's 3 AM and I'm trying hard not to fall asleep. Anyways this a request from PaulinaHikari. Hope you enjoy  (*≧▽≦)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Today I was visiting my childhood friend, Misono after not being able to see him for three years. You see three years ago my dad had gotten this job but it was all the way in France. We moved back just a few weeks ago one of the first things I did was try to get a hold of my short childhood friend. I soon reach the Alicein manor and knocked on the door. 

When the door opened it revealed a rather tall male with blonde hair and crimson eyes. "Well hello, my dear. It's been a while (Y/n)," the man said letting me into the manor. 

"How've you been Lily? Please tell me my tsundere friend isn't being too hard on you," I said giggling at the end. Lily chuckled at my words and leads me to Misono.

"I've been alright," he answered. "Oh, Misono. We have a visitor," Misono looked at me with a slight smile.  

"Hello, (Y/n)," he greeted. I greeted him back and then we soon made conversation about what I did in France. It was now about time for me to leave. "It was nice seeing you again and I hope you come back to visit soon," I give him nod. 

"I too would deeply enjoy more visits," Lily said as he was starting to strip. I cover my eyes and squeak as Misono scold him.  I then feel someone take my hands and move them away from my face. When I looked up the one who did that that Lily. "So beautiful," he said placing a small kiss on my lips. I just stood there dumbfounded.  

"L-Lily! Why would you kiss (Y/n)?" he questioned. I just stood they with my face on fire.

"I-I-t's o-okay M-Misono," I said barely above a whispered. Both males turn toward me. Lily wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear.

"I'm glad you enjoyed my kiss. You should expect a lot of that here soon. You are now mine~"

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