7MIH Sardon x Reader

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from WolfGirlN. Thank you for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy。◕‿◕。

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Tonight Zoey was throwing a party at her house while her parents were. I had just finished getting ready and made my way over towards the red-haired girl's house. When she answered the front door she brought me into a hug. "Hey, (Y/n)! Glad you could make it!" she said pulling away. "Everyone's already in the living room. We're about to play seven minutes in heaven," she explained guiding me to the group. 

Once I arrived I noticed that even Dren, Tart, and Sardon are here. Zoey must have noticed how I glanced at Sardon because when I looked at her she motioned towards him with her eyes and gave me a wink. I quickly sit down next to Kiki and hid my blushing face. "Alright, since (Y/n) was the last to arrive, she will be going first," Zoey told the group before turning towards me. "I've already chosen your partner so all you have to do is get in the closet and wait," I nod and make my way into the closet.

The closet wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. It had enough room to fit possibly ten people max. I made my way over to the corner and leaned against the wall. A minute or so later the closet door opened and someone walked inside. "Don't have too much fun in there now Sar-sar!" Dren sang with a chuckle before closing the closet. Sardon sighed deeply and called Dren an idiot in a mumble.

'She paired me with Sardon?! Why would she do that?! It's obvious he like Bridget. He's probably disappointed he got me.' I thought, looking down at the ground with a frown. I mentally shake my head. 'Why am I even getting upset about that? Sure I like him but if Bridget is the one that makes him happy then I should just be happy for him.' When I lift my head up I notice Sardon staring at me. "Is something wrong?" I asked tilting my head. 

"(Y/n) tell me, how do you tell a person you're fond of them?" He asked out of the blue. "I normally wouldn't ask such things but I seem to be stuck and you humans seem to be the best with these kinds of things," he explained. My heart broke a little more but I warmly smiled at him.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm not the best at telling people my feelings myself but there are a few things you could try if openly expressing them doesn't work. You could write a song, poem, letter, or note to the person. If you really want to be bold you could use actions instead, like kissing the person. It all really depends on what you feel comfortable with," I exclaimed. Sardon gave a nod and moved towards me. I looked at him confused. 

"I'm normally not one to act rash but perhaps this once I will try to be bold," With that, Sardon wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down placing his lips on mine. I stood there too stunned to react. A few seconds later he pulled back. "I guess being rash wasn't the best way to go.." he trailed.

I raised my hand in defense. "That's not it. I-I was just to shocked to respond. I wasn't expecting you to ever like me," I explained. "I've always liked you but I always thought you liked Bridget," I confessed blushing darkly out of embarrassment. 

"She is a rather intelligent girl but you've always held my interest. You intrigue me more than anyone else could," Hearing that made me so happy, I hugged him tightly. Sardon chuckled and hugged me back. The door then opened revealing a squealing Zoey. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the closet with Sardon hand in hand.

'Best night ever!'

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