Laito X Shy Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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"Nufu~ Bitch-chan!" the fedora-wearing vampire called. He walked over towards me with a smile.

"O-oh h-h-hi L-Laito," I greet him while stuttering. The emerald-eyed male chuckled at my shyness. He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me close.

"I can't wait to break you. Just the thought of hearing you scream my name turns me on!" he moaned as a blush dusted his cheeks. His words caused my face to become darker than his brother, Ayato's hair.

"L-Laito?!" I squeaked covering my face with my hands. Laito laughed at my actions. I grew so embarrassed and just put my head down as I was on the verge of tears.

"(F/n)?" he asked, pure concern laced with his tone. I hesitantly lift up my head to see Laito's eyes looking at my (e/c) ones with worry. Laito brought me into a tight hug. At first, I was tense but soon relaxed and hugged back. "What have you done to me?" he asked chuckling.

"What do you mean?" I questioned softly tilting my head in confusion. He kisses my forehead and held me tighter.

"This. Before I've never cared if I caused a girl to cry or if I caused her to suffer. I used to be able to have 'fun' with random girls but ever since you came into my life, I've changed. I only want you and seeing you cry hurts me," he confessed. I looked at him in awe before kissing his cheek. This sudden action shocked us both.

"S-sorry," I stuttered. Laito just smiled and kissed my cheek. This turned me into a cherry. "I-I-I-"

"Shhh," he shushed me softly. "I don't know much about love but I do know you make me feel things I've never felt before and I refuse to let you go," Laito leaned down and placed a passionate kiss on my lips. I slowly kiss back and smile. After a minute we pulled back and looked into each other's eyes. "I love you,"

"I love you too, my hentai,"

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