Ren X Neko Reader (Uta No Prince Sama)

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I was outside the master course walking around while looking up at the crystal clear bright blue sky. "It's such a beautiful day outside today," I chirped in awe. I was so entranced in my thoughts I failed to sense the presence that was near me.

"Not as beautiful as you, my pretty kitten," a familiar flirtatious voice said causing me to jolt up in surprise. When I turned towards the source of the voice I turned to see Ren Jinguji.

"R-Ren-kun!? Don't sneak up on me like that, nya!" I cried blushing madly in embarrassment. Ren chuckled at my reaction. "Hey, It's not funny!" I pouted. The strawberry blonde male started scratching behind my right ear, earning soft purrs from me.

"I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to startle you. Your reactions are quite amusing though," he explained teasing me with the last part. Ren then used his free hand to cup my cheek. "I honestly meant it. You are very beautiful (Y/n),"

"T-th-thank you Ren-kun," I thanked him shyly with a light smile. He smiled back and wrapped his arms around my waist. He then leaned down to my ear,

"I love you, my pretty kitten," he whispered. I gasped and stood there shocked not knowing how to respond. 

'Did he just confess?! My crush just confessed to me! I'm so happy, nya!' Instead of giving him a verbal reply I purred loudly and snuggled my face against his well-toned chest. Ren chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I-I-I l-lo-love y-yo-you t-too,"

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