Tsubaki X Reader X Lawless (SerVamp)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from Simplysamsart. I'm sorry it's a lot shorter than my other works but I find it just so cute. Also, I'm afraid this is the end of this book. I'd like to say thank you to all my readers. Knowing that all of you enjoyed my works has made me so happy. I love you all very much✿♥‿♥✿

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Right now I am internally fangirling to death. You see on my left I have Tsubaki in his fox form nuzzling against me and on my right, I have Lawless in his hedgehog form nuzzling against me. They're just being so adorable right now! "(Y/n)-chan pet me!" Lawless whined. 

"Pet me to," Tsubaki said. I giggled at their behavior and pet them both.

"You guys are being awfully adorable today," I giggled more.  Both males transformed into their normal forms and pouted at me. "What? It's not a bad thing," Lawless pulled me into his lap and kissed my cheek while Tsubaki leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"We only act this way because we love you," Tsubaki said. 

"That we do, my sweet Juliet," Lawless agreed. I blushed darkly and began to stutter with my response.

" I-I-I l-lo-love y-yo-you g-guys t-to-too," Both males chuckled and kissed my cheeks. 

"You're so cute blushing like that," They said in unison.  I cover my face with my hands. Lawless wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and Tsubaki pets my head. I puff out my cheeks and pout childishly.


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