Vampire Quartet Night X Innocent Lil Sis Neko Reader X Vampire Starish(Utapri)

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Hi, Minna-san! Third update today and just like the last one I will edit mistakes when I can. This is part 2 of the Vampire Quartet Night X Innocent Lil Sis Neko X Vampire Ren and it was requested by RukiaChappySama. Hope you enjoy😁

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Ever since that event with Ren, the members of Quartet Night have been doing whatever they can to keep all of Starish away from me. I don't know why and it's honestly starting to upset me a little. I woke up earlier than usual and make my way into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge. "Good morning, (Y/n). Ai, the snub and the idiot will be gone all day doing Idol work so we want you to just relax in your room all day," the letter said.

I pondered whether or not if I should do as told or try to talk to my friends. "It's been awhile since I've been able to talk to Starish. I want to at least see how they are doing," I mumbled while grabbing something to eat.

After eating I went off to find the Idol group. I soon find them in the music room and walk towards them. "Hello, everyone!" I greeted with a cheerful beam.

"Hello, Kawaii-chan!" Natsuki greeted pulling me into a hug.

"Oi, Natsuki release her now before you squeeze her to death!" Syo scolded the taller blonde. Natsuki released me and quickly apologized before giving me a sweet smile.

"Was there something you needed, princess?" Cecil asked. I shook my head.  

"It's just been awhile and I really missed talking to you guys," I answered giving them a sweet smile. 

"It's always wonderful to see your wonderful smile," Otoya said smiling back at me.

"It's always a pleasure to have you here (L/n)-san," Masato said softly.

"You're probably the only thing that keeps everything so calm," Tokiya said. All of their words warmed my heart. Without warning I found myself pressed up against someone's chest and arms wrapped around me. 

"Has my little kitten come to finally allow me to mark her?" Ren questioned with a chuckle.

"What?!" Everyone except Ren and I screamed. 

"None of you were building up and courage to ask so I asked," the strawberry blonde vampire said.

"I still don't understand what that even means. Can you explain it to me?" I asked with a light blush on my face for I was embarrassed by the fact I was clueless. Ren chuckled.

"Basically I bite you wherever you want with my fangs and that shows others that you're mine," Ren explained.

"Yours?" I tilt my head in confusion. Ren began scratching behind my ears, earning soft purrs from me. 

"Yes, meaning you'll become my lover," After hearing that my face grew very warm.
"Y-your l-lo-lover?"

"Oh hell no! Get your filthy hands off my sister!" Ranmaru yelled yanking me away from Ren. "If any of you try that shit I'll kill you!" he warned as he dragged me out of the room.

"Hey, Maru-chan?" Ranmaru looked down at me.

"What is it, (Y/n)?"

"What if I want to be marked by Jinguji-san and become his lover?" I asked innocently. Ranmaru facepalmed.

"(Y/n), you are too innocent to decide something like that. You have no idea what that idiot plans to do with you after marking you,"

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head confused. Ranmaru just sweatdropped and continued walking.

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