Lawless X Reader

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 Hey, Minna-san! This is a request from PaulinaHikari. Sorry for the long wait. On top of being back at school, I'm also sick. It took me a little over three hours to write and it's not even that long 😅 Anyways, I really hope you and enjoy^^

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Today I was receiving piano lessons from Litch and let me tell you, it wasn't easy to get him to agree to teach me. At first, he just glared at me and gave a simple no. It wasn't until after I continuously begged him that he finally gave in saying yes. So that leads us to now. Litch entered the room with an annoyed expression. "Let's get this over with," he grumbled.

"O-okay," I stammered and quickly made my way to over to the piano chair and sat down. Litch walked over to me and started teaching me the basics. After a while, I started to get a good grasp of the basics so Litch started to teach me to play an easy song. Just as Litch was about to guide me through the song, Lawless enter the room.

 "Hey, Angel-cakes! Are you done giving (Y/n)-chan her piano lesson?" The servamp asked his eve. "I miss my precious Juliet," he pouted. Litch walked over to Lawless and kick his head. 

"You shit rat! We wouldn't still be in this room if we were finished!" Litch yelled. He was about to kick Lawless some more but stopped once I stood in between them. 

"Thank you for the lesson, Litch-san. I think that's enough for today so I'm going to hang out with Lawly now," I said softly. The pianist sighed and turned back towards the piano. 

"Fine, go hang out with that demon you call a boyfriend. We'll pick off where we left off tomorrow," Litch said sitting down and playing the piano. I turn my attention back towards my boyfriend and guide him out of the room. 

"Awwww, (Y/n)-chan you didn't have to protect me from Angel-cakes," lawly said smiling cheekily at me. 

"If I wouldn't have stopped him who knows what he would have done to you," I said sweatdropping.

"But you're my princess, I'm the one that needs to protect you," the blonde vampire pouted. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"My dear prince please do just shut up and take me out on a date," Lawly grinned and intertwined his hands with mine.

"If that's what my sweet Juliet wants then that's what she'll get!" he grinned. 

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