Germany X Wife Reader (Hetalia)

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This is another oneshot from my sister, 🌙Minimoon8⭐️. Hope you enjoy😊

I groan as I was starting to wake up. I sit up a little bit but couldn't move much because of my German husband, Ludwig, cuddling on my side while holding me lightly around my nine months belly. I can't wait to meet this little one, me and Ludwig decided to make the baby's gender a surprise. Which now I'm starting to regret cause I'm now really curious of how the baby is either going to be a boy or a girl but either way I would love this child no matter what gender it is. I hear groaning from the other side.

"(Y/N), what time is it. You should be sleeping," said Ludwig tiredly and not even opening his eyes.

"It's about 10:00 am and I'm fine Ludwig because I just woke up," I said with a small smile on my face while looking at my husband which he looks so cute when he is very tired.

"Uhg," said Ludwig as he groaned and sat up that started changing.

"Nice ass you got there hubby," I said with a smirk on my face while Ludwig was blushing like a madman.

'Hehhehehe,' I thought.

"(Y-Y-Y/N-N) please don't do that on me.... Please.. No more," said Ludwig while facing the other way.

"But hubby I love it when you blush like that," I said it with confidences.

'This is fun,' I thought.

I felt someone hugging me from the back which I turn my head to see Ludwig putting his head on my neck and I kiss his cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Ludwig. I love you," I said with a smile on my face.

"Ich Liebe Dich," said Ludwig in German which that's what I love about him.

I felt a big kick in my stomach which really hurts.

"Ludwig, honey. I think that the baby is coming," I said while a little bit screaming and crying because of the pain.

Timeskip to the hospital and the birth cause I'm lazy that I don't want to write about that....

Ludwig's POV.

I was with my wife at the birth. My hand is killing me because of (Y/N) almost broke my hand.

The doctor handed us our child which I didn't know that we would have twins. One boy and one girl.

"What would you want to name the boy and the girl," said the nurse while I was holding my daughter. She is so beautiful just like her mother.

"We will name the boy (B/n) and we'll name the girl (G/N)," said (Y/N) tiredly.

"Okay," said the nurse.

I look at my daughter who I love so much. I kiss her on her forehead.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Ludwig," said (Y/N) with a tired smile on her face.

"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N). Ich Liebe Dich," I said with a smile on my face and kiss (Y/N) on her forehead.

'I love this family,' I thought while closing my eyes.

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