Draco x Reader x Harry

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Okay I wrote this like a long time ago so this writing is super crappy, and I never bothered to spell check it. But I promise that eventually, my writing gets better and I'll edit all my spelling errors. Thank you for reading!

"Filthy blood traitor.." Draco sneered as you walked past him in potions, headed for your seat. You simply ignored him, moving to sit beside Harry and Ron, Hermione across from you.
"Hey, Y/N!" She exclaimed when you sat down.

"Hey, guys.."

"You okay, Y/N?" Harry asked with a worried expression.
"Yeah, Fine. Just Malfoy again. But thanks for asking. Anyway, how have you been, Harry?"
"Erm..f..fine, thanks.." He stutters, blushing. You smirk slightly at this.

"Today, you will be making a substance of Felix Felicis, in one hour. Start." Snape's cold voice rang through as people started shuffling around, gathering their ingredients. Little did you know that a certain blonde was watching you, with a cold stare of jealousy.

"Harry! Pass me that Ashwinder egg please!" You say as you're throwing ingredients into your cauldron and stirring all the while, only asking him to since he had extra. He reluctantly handed you the egg and you thanked him all the while, kissing his cheek as he blushed madly and continued adding ingredients to his own cauldron, following his book's instructions.

Being a Slytherin was a little hard on you as it made a bit harder to hang out with your best friends, the golden trio, who were in Gryffindor. And you were a halfblood, who couldn't give two shits about blood status. If people were respectful to you, you'd be respectful to them. Unlike Malfoy over here, who taunts and disrespects anyone but most purebloods. Bloody git.

And that's when you noticed Harry and Malfoy sending death glares at each other. You sigh. You just wish that they could somehow get along, but you knew that wouldn't ever happen. You ignore them and continue your potion, having almost been done. Snape walked over and gave an approving nod, suggesting you were doing fine. You have really been one of Snape's favoured students, despite the fact you were halfblood and hung around Gryffindors. But of course, he loved That snob Malfoy more. You didn't care, though. You would have gladly taken to being in Gryffindor any day over this bloody Slytherin house. They didn't even treat you with any respect. And you just chose to keep your distance from most of them, as there were maybe three people in Slytherin house who did respect you. All being half bloods and muggle born.

You finally finished your potion, and sat down in your chair to indicate you were done. And Snape came over, looked in your cauldron and said, "Ten points to Slytherin, Miss (L/n) has made an extraordinary mixture here." And with that he turned on his heel and clicked away, checking other student's failures of potions on his way back to the front of the class.

"Hey! Good job there in potions earlier.." Harry said as he ran up to me as we entered the great hall for dinner. We sat down together as I thanked him with a sly smile and started taking food off the plates almost as soon as it appeared.

I looked up from my food and saw Malfoy glaring at Harry from across the room and he noticed me. His expression softened when he looked at me, then looked away quickly, with the slightest hint of a blush forming on his face.


"Yeah, Harry?" I turned to him, giving him a soft smile.
"Erm..Well..You know how the next Hogsmeade trip is this weekend? Well..would you like to go with me?" He asked, blushing, giving me a shy smile.

"Oh i'd love to Harry!" I said giving him a wide smile.

"Great!" He said, his blush only getting a deeper red, his smile being wider. Can't help but notice he is kinda cute..okay..really cute..But i'm so excited!

Draco's POV

Stupid Potter..thinking he can get whatever he want's eh? Well he'll see..Might just get the courage to ask that halfblood to Hogsmeade this weekend. I mean..I know I constantly bully her but I don't mean most of it. I just need to keep my reputation is all. I see the way Potter looks at her. It's not that I..like her or anything, but he needs to learn not to take everything he can get his filthy blood traitorous hands on. I watch in jealousy as her beautiful (e/c) eyes light up at some joke Weasel just told them. I should be the one sitting there with her, making her laugh. Not weaselbee or Potter. I thought these feelings would just go away, but iv'e waited three years and they haven't shown any sign of disappearing. Damn it! Why do I have to feel this way, especially about a half blood...
"Drakey, who are you looking at?!" Pansy cuts into my thoughts, snapping me out of my daze and realizing i've been staring at (Y/n) the whole feast. Damn.

"No one, nothing Pansy."

"Well it's obviously something! You didn't even hear me, did you?! UGH Drakeyyyy!!"

"Sod off...What did you say?" I ask with a sigh.

"Well.I just asked if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend Drakey!"
Hogsmeade. That's it. Maybe if (Y/n) saw me with Parkinson, she would get jealous and realize her feelings for me! I was going to take the chance in asking her, but that would most definitely ruin my reputation and with a gorgeous girl like her, it's likely she already has a date. I just hope it's not Potter...
"Of course, Pansy." I say with a very much fake smile.

"Oh Drakey! Yay!" She starts jumping up and down and hugs me, hanging off of me.

"Get off me, Pansy." I say sternly. She fakes a hurt expression and I go back to eating, all the while keeping my eyes on (Y/n)...

---------------(time skip)--------------

Third person POV

You're getting ready for your date with Harry to Hogsmeade in your dorm. Brushing out your (H/l) hair and just deciding you'll wear it normally, you walk out of the portrait and walk to Gryffindor's portrait, where Harry said to meet you before you went outside with the others to go to Hogsmeade. While you're waiting, Malfoy and Pug face Parkinson walk by, arm in arm.
He smirks at you. "Waiting for Weasel, (L/n)?

"Actually, Potter, Malfoy. But it's none of your concern, so sod off you wanker."
He looked shocked by your comeback, but quickly hid it with a smug expression as Pug face gave you a dirty look and they walked off together. You felt a slight pit in your stomach at the way he used his words with you, but that was quickly replaced with the feeling of a thousand golden snitches fluttering around in there, as you heard Harry's voice behind you. You turn around to see the trio, smiling wildly.
"Ready, (Y/n)?" Harry asked.
"Ready." You started walking down the halls together, still smiling wildly, ready for what awaits you in Hogsmeade.

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