George X Reader

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Staying at the Burrow for the summer with your boyfriend, George, he started giving you the silent treatment because he thinks you like his twin, Fred. You tried to tell him you didn't feel anything towards Fred, but he wouldn't have it. She he walked out and started ignoring you every time you tried to talk to him.
"George." You say, trying to get him to talk to you for about the fiftieth time that day. He simply ignored you.
"GEORGE ANDREW WEASLEY!" You yell, finally getting him to say something.
"What the hell do you want?" He yells back.
"I want you to talk to me and believe that I feel nothing for your own twin brother!" You yell, almost on the verge of tears.
He scoffs. "Yeah, okay, then why have you been spending much more time with him than me?"
"What? I haven't! You're blowing this out of Proportion!"
"Am I? Or am I just being realistic? And noticing the changes, that you are getting feelings for my own brother? My Twin, for Merlins sake! God, Y/N, you can be so annoying and honestly, quite stupid sometimes." He spat. His words sent a jolt of pain through you, making tears surface.
"Am I? Fine. You won't mind if I leave then." You ran upstairs and grabbed your trunk that you thankfully haven't unpacked yet, and dragged it downstairs, and heading to the door.
"Y/N Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that.." George says airily.
"Yeah, well, that's okay because now you don't have to deal with me. Goodbye, George." You say as you walk out the door to the Burrow with George running after you,but you just apparate away.

You apparated to Little Whinging, Privet Drive where your best friend of four years lived. Since it was 11 at night, you thought better of knocking on the door. You instead decided to throw a rock at Harry's window, to which he almost immediately responded to by looking out the window to investigate the source of the rock. His face lit up at the sight of one of his best friends actually coming to visit, and he opened the window to help you up into his room.

"So, George actually thinks you like his own twin?" Harry asks for about the tenth time after telling him about the incident with George.
"Yes, Harry! And then I got sick of it and ran out, I mean I told him I didn't like Fred, but he just wouldn't have it! If he can't believe me, then I guess he might not be worth it.." You say, sadness coursing through you. You loved George a lot, but if he couldn't believe you...
"So, Y/N, is it Harry now?" George suddenly says with an angered look on his face.
"George can you not! I left for a reason!" You say, your anger rising, but being sure not to wake the Dursleys.

"I'm only joking. I'm really sorry, I should have believed you. Come back?" He pleads.
You scoff. "Urgh, of course, Georgie! Seriously, no, if you decide to pull another one like that!"

"I won't! Now come on!" He pulls you to your feet and before he apparates you both back to the Burrow, you apologize to Harry and give him a hug, saying you'll see him next year.

Once you and George are back at the Burrow, he turns to you.
"Y/N, I am so sorry! I should have believed you, and I'm sorry. I love you, and I don't want to lose you..." He then pulls you to him and passionately kisses you before you say

"I love you too, Georgie..."

A/N: OOKKKAAYYY this one really sucked it was like bad but i'm sorry for this crappy and short chapter. Idek I think i'll do either Tom Riddle or Ron next....

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