Draco X Depressed!Reader

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A/N: Okay so this one is gunna be like a super long one, like two or three parts. I have it all planned out soooo...yeah. I hope its okay!

Warnings: Fluff, swearing, bullying, depression and self harm.

PLEASE, IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED THEN DO NOT READ!!! I LOVE YOU ALL AND DO NOT WANT YOU HURTING YOURSELVES!!! YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL!! If any of you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please, message me! I will respond!!

Draco Malfoy, the infamous Malfoy heir. Accusingly hot, broodingly simple, and the largest asshole of all. He get's pleasure out of bullying somehow, it's disgusting. You thought he was good looking, but never seconded a thought of dating that pompous filthy brat.

You walked out of the great hall, heading to potions. Not expecting any interruptions on yoour walk there, you rounded a corner, and saw three brunettes, and a platinum blonde. Great. You thought. Just what you needed, more bullying and rubbish stopping you on your way to class.
"Hey, L/N! You filthy blood traitor, got no friends to go to class with?" He sneers, Pug face and Tweedledumb and Tweedledee Coming upon you.
"Sod off, Malfoy. You're going to make me late.." You say, trying to make your way past him when a cold hand grasps your arm, shoving you into a wall, causing your books to fall out of your hands and onto the stone floor. Parkinson.
"What the hell, Pug Face?" You smirk at her, as you see her angry scowl at her nickname she has gained.

"Don't call her that, and I suspect you're scared? Your poor, blood traitor brother isn't hereto protect you?" Malfoy attacks you with his words again. You felt tears begin to form. That's the first time he has insulted your family, and through three years of bullying that's the first mention of your family.
"Cute.." You say, staying strong. You would not let Malfoy see you cry, never in a million years.

"I know, Right? Why don't you just die already? Pitch yourself off the astronomy tower, perhaps? Everyone hates you, just get rid of the nuisance you're being."

That was it. You quickly gathered your textbooks and angrily stuffed them into your bag, and pushed past Malfoy and his cronies. But instead of going to class, you headed to the girl's bathroom, and locked yourself in a stall, letting the tears silently fall. You reached for the blade you swore you would never touch again, and cut into your skin a few times. The blood pooled around you, as you kept slashing. You finally gave up, and were sure to clean up the mess you had created. You pulled your robe's sleeves down, and walked out as if nothing had happened, and decided to go to your remainder of class, wiping your tears away.

"You're late, L/N." Snape's monotone voice went through your ears.
"Sorry, Professor." You muttered, sitting beside Ron, your best friend. He continued on with his lecture as you just shrugged off Ron's questions about you being late, and you were forced to go sit beside Draco as he was paired with you as your partner. He scoffed as you sat beside him, and gave you a look of disgust. You ignored it and got started on your potion in silence, not wanting to even look at Malfoy. You reached for the Lethe river water, and felt one of your scars start to bleed out again. You winced and drew your hand back, Draco giving you a weird look. You ignored it and moved closer to not have to stretch your hand so far, and added it to your cauldron. After your potion was finished, you sat back down after Snape had approved of your potion and granted Slytherin 20 points, 10 for each of you. You heard a gasp from beside you, and you turned to see Draco, a horrified look on his face. You followed his gaze to your wrist, and your eyes widened. Your sleeve of your robes was covered in a red, sticky moisture. You quickly hid it, and class was ended. You walked out, running out ahead of everyone else when you felt a hand on your shoulder pull you back.
"L/N, what the hell was that blood on your robes? It was disgusting! You're filthy, what the hell happened?" He asks, a look of disgust and a hint of..worry?
"Nothing of your concern, Malfoy." You spat his last name as if it were poison, and turned on your heel and strode away, leaving a confused Draco behind.
You ran up to your dorm and let a few tears escape, knowing no one would ever respect you. You were a half blood, and din't give a damn about blood purity. Fourth year, with a brother in fifth year. You heard your dormitory door open and a head of blonde walk in.
"What the hell, Malfoy?!"
"Y/N, Give me your hands." He said, not smirking.
"No! Wait, did you just call me Y/N? Go away, Malfoy! You shouldn't be here anyway!" You almost yelled, furious with the fact he entered a girl's dormitory without even knocking.

He strode over to you and grabbed your hands rather roughly, making you wince. He loosened his grip, and you tried to pull your hands back but his grip was too strong. He pulled up my robes sleeves and a look of horror crossed his face as he saw the cuts.

"Y/N..Why? I did this..I..I'm sorry. Don't do this..Please..." He says making eye contact.

"Why? Why do you even care? Get away from me! Go with your beautiful little pug face. Oh, sorry. I forgot you were in love with her. Parkinson." You spat, angered.

"Y/N..I..I don't hate you, i'm sorry for being an ass to you all the time..I..I like you, okay? Pansy is nothing to me, I know i don't have the best way of showing it but I..Erm..I fancy you. Okay? Please, stop this..."
You were at a loss for words. This wasn't the Draco you loved and knew. This was a completely different side of him, but you were glad to have seen it.

"I..Draco...I like you too..." You trail off. He slowly leaned in, and you closed the remainder of the space between you as you leaned in too, kissing him softly. You parted, and he grabbed your hands. You laid down, feeling sleep taking over and you could feel Draco's warmth beside you, as he put his arm around you.

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