Seamus X Reader

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Warnings: Slight depression and kinda extreme bullying

You hated it. You hated them. You hated life. People were no good assholes, and oh were you getting sick of it. Those stupid, obnoxious Slytherins needed to get their asses handed to them. Not by you, of course. You were always too afraid yo do anything about them. They couldn't ever get half a life even if they tried. You sometimes questioned how half of them even made it through a term of school. They needed to be put in their place, and you knew it. You just didn't know how it would be done.

Seamus Finnigan. World's hottest (in your opinion,) wizard. His accent was amazing, his courage was breathtaking. He was the kind of guy you would always imagine yourself with. He was the guy you had crushed on. A lot. Though you had talked to each other quite a few times, you would hardly consider yourselves friends. You still loved him, nonetheless.

Y/N L/N. Loud and obnoxious, annoying but cute. Sarcasm dripped from almost every word she spoke, that is, until the Slytherins got to her. She was a happy and chipper girl, till those Slytherins started bullying the life out of her. Literally. Her appearance still looked quite nice, but she was officially depressed every time Malfoy and his gits approached her. This was unnoticed by most, but not all.

" So, L/N. Decided to give up yet? On life. On finding any friends. Because trust me, no one could like you. You're a disgusting Mudblood, and anyone would be stupid to even be acquainted with you and your stupid, filthy family." Malfoy spat. Literally. Your face now had his saliva on It, causing his cronies to laugh. You quickly wiped it off on the sleeve of your robe, and picked up your belongings. You were about to walk off when you were pushed against a wall.
"Stay away from us. Drop out of school already, you should be expelled. Why they let in mudbloods is beyond me, but I hope you're driven mad. Just do us a favour and end this nuisance. Pitch yourself off the astronomy tower." Parkinson sneers into your ear, hardly above a whisper, so the others couldn't hear just how harsh she was being. You felt tears srltreaming down your face.
"Aw, is poor itty bitty L/N being a crybaby?" Parkinson laughed.

"Hey! What the blimey do you think you're doing?" A deep accent rings through. Seamus. You exhale slightly.
He storms up towards the Slytherins, who had now dropped you to the ground. They turned to their new threat, and immediately started throwing insults.
"In calling the headmaster if you don't back the hell up now!" Seamus yells, causing them to groan and walk away.
He rushes over to you.

" Are You okay?" He asks.
"Fine..." You say, struggling to get all your books back into your possession. He immediately sees this and grabs the remainder of your books. He helps you up and hands you your books back.
"Why did you help me?" You mutter, looking down to the floor in embarrassment.
" Because Your a fellow Gryffindor. And we're friends, aren't we?" He asks, placing both hands on your shoulders.
You slowly nod your head, before completely breaking down, once again dropping your books.

Those poor damn books.

He takes you into his arms, stroking your hair softly, whispering things Into your ear to try to calm you down.
"I j-just don't get It! I don't know w-what to do anymore! They do this to me every day and I'm sick of It!" You say through your sobs, looking up at him warily as you slowly start to calm down. He smiles down at you.
" Hey, it's okay. I'll make sure they never touch you again. You're okay. Don't worry about them, you've got me." He holds your face in one of his hands, smiling softly, as to comfort you. He pulls you into another hug, as you rest your head on his now soaked vest. You wrap your arms around him, as he rubs small circles into your back. You inhale his sweet scent, and relax, knowing he would now be there for you. Though you didn't know how close you two would have gotten within the next few years.

A/N: I'm sorry for the Rly crappy chapter, honestly. I might decide to do a part two later on, idk. But as always, requests open! Stay beautiful ❤

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