Percy X Reader

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A/N: Because there's not enough Percy fan fiction in the world. Stop hating on him he's just a smol bean guys like Rly
Oh and I highly recommend reading @slytherbin's Stories because they literally had me on the floor.
'Panhead parking son' 😂😂

Warnings: euhh, none

Fred and George were simply wonderful. Unless it was when you were around Percy. Cause that was really hell. You had always been quite close with Percy, you would sneak up into his dorm sometimes to read with him, and he would even let you walk with him on his rounds for prefect duty. The twins would make fun of you, encouraging a spark of love between you two. But Percy would always imply that you two would never be together, you were just friends. You were hurt by this, as you kind of wanted to be more. But this current situation, was the worst yet.

You were up in the middle of the night, and Percy had his night off from prefect duties tonight. As you knew this, you had planned to go up into his dorm and get him to help you sleep, as he had always helped before. So you got up out of your dorm, creeping down into the common room. Now making your way silently up to the boys dorms, of course, when you enter, Fred and George are up. Assumingly planning their next prank. But before you could close the door again, they noticed you.
George smirked at you.
" Hey Perce! Your girlfriend is here to see you!" George yells in the now awake Percy's ear, causing you to wince and back away, but Fred grabs your wrist and pulls you inside and pushes you into Percy, causing you two to butt heads.
"S-sorry.." you stutter as you rub your head.
"No matter. Fred, George, I swear I will hex you two into oblivion if you try to get me and Y/N together one more time. It won't happen, so get over yourselves." Percy says angrily.
"Alright, we were only trying to get you a girlfriend Perce. Calm down. Get some damn sleep, Y/N, it's 12:47 for Merlin's sake." Fred says, shutting his light off and laying down, George following suite. Hearing Percy say it would never happen caused tears to surface, and you began to run for the door when a voice sounded.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" Percy. Great.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." You stutter.
"No, you're not. C'mere, I can hear your voice shaking."

You walk over to Percy's bed slowly, and he sits up, motioning for you to sit with him. You sit on his bedside, making sure not to let the tears spill.
You can make out Percy's face through the darkness.
"Y/N? What is it?" He asks worridley.
"If you don't tell me i won't talk to you for months to come..." he threatens, knowing how much you loved to talk to him.
"Fine! I-i like you, okay? And hearing you say we would never be together kind of hurt me as i-" you were cut off by a pair of soft lips on yours, and you notice Percy's kissing you. You melt into the kiss, realizing what was happening. When you pull away, you smile at each other as you lay down together, you entwined in Percy's arms. Before you drift off to sleep, you could of swore you heard a
"you owe me 20 galleons, George." From Fred's bed.

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