Neville X Reader

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Warnings: Sad 😔



These little phrases were what ran through your head almost every day. Luna Lovegood was most certainly not your friend, though you knew she wasn't a bad person. Neville, on the other hand, you absolutely loved. You fantasized about being with him all the time, he was always the last thought on your mind before you went to bed and the first when you woke up. You might have been a bit obsessive with him, but you couldn't help it. And he wouldn't find out about your feelings.

People all around you wanted Neville and Luna to get together, everyone thought they would be the perfect couple. You always wanted to be Nevilles girl, but he clearly liked Luna. That was proved when he wanted to talk to you in the common room.

" Hey, um, Y/N?" Neville asked from behind You.
"Yes?" You respond begrudgingly.
"Well..uhm..i was you hear the rumours, you know, about me and Luna?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yes. I do. Why do you ask?"
"Well, I was wondering, do you maybe you think we could get together? Like, maybe you could help get us together?" He asks.
Your heart sinks. But you would do almost anything for Neville.
"Of course. I'll talk to her." You say to him, feeling tears well in your eyes but ignoring them.
"R-really? Thank you!" He squeals, hugging you.
You reluctantly hug back, not knowing if you could stay true to your word.

--------3 weeks later---------

Neville and Luna had gotten together, proving your fears true. You didn't help like Neville had asked, so clearly someone else had done it. This would be their second week together, and seeing them together in the halls made you want to cry. You haven't been yourself, and people were starting to notice this. You had dark bags under your eyes, due to a great lack of sleep. You didn't try to make yourself look good anymore, skipping the make up and hair fixing, and just throwing on old clothes. Lucky for you, (smell the sarcasm) Neville took notice as well of your odd behaviour.

You got out of bed, and threw on an old shirt, putting on a random robe as well. You strutted out of the common room, taking notice of hardly anything surrounded you. You didn't know why Neville and Luna together had taken such a toll on you, it just did. So as you walked down the hall seeing them holding hands, you almost threw up. And just your luck, Draco walked by.
"Oh, is poor L/N turning into a Weasley now? Old hand me down robes? Noe you've just gotta get the red hair, I mean you've already got the stupid complexion." He sneered, his goons laughing with him. You push past him, and run past Neville and Luna as well. Straight back to the common room, throwing your books down and breaking down into sobs. You hear the portrait door open, but take no notice. You then hear footsteps rhajing towards you, and a comforting hand on your arm. You calm down, and look up into the gorgeous face of Neville Longbottom.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asks worridley.
"No, Neville, I'm not!" You yell, making him flinch. You couldn't help it, the words just all came tumbling out.
" Because I love you! I have loved you for ad long as I can remember! And it's not that I'm not happy for you and Luna, it just hurts like hell to see you with her because I like you so much! I lost you and now I don't even know what to do anymore." You say, flipping down into the couch and breaking down into sobs once more.
" Hey, I didn't know. I'm really sorry. I mean, I-I like you too. But I also like Luna and I'm sorry." He says, slightly embracing you. You calm down, absorbing the warmth of his arms.

Little did you know, Luna was tight around the corner and heard it all.

Part two???

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