Fred X Reader X Draco

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A/N: Oki buds so this isn't that story I was talking about for 1k reads, but I'll make sure to put that up this week whenever I get a good idea for it. You guys could recommend it too if you'd like! Aaannnnywaysss, enjoy!

Warnings: Swearing, cheating

You knew full well how much your boyfriend, Fred, loved you. He and his mischief making twin loved you, both in different ways. You just couldn't resist Fred, though. He seemed to always be the centre of your attention. Well, when you weren't dealing with Malfoy and Katie Bell, the girl that has been eyeing your boyfriend since before you even got together.

Currently sat in Potions, you can hear snickering from behind you. You turn to see Malfoy and his crew, stealing glances at you and whispering. You give them an angered look and turn around, but as you do so, you hear Malfoy's cold voice from behind you.
" Hey L/N! Where's your boy toy? Hm? I heard he was out snogging that Bell girl!" He laughs with his friends.
You look around the class, and Indeed, Fred is absent. You shrug it off, and think he'll come in a few minutes. But he doesn't. Curious as to where your boyfriend is, you approach Snape and fake being sick.
"Um, professor? I'm feeling a bit light headed, as well sick to my stomach. May I be excused to the infirmary?"
"Very well. Go." His monotone voice rings, as you exit the class in search for Fred.
You walk down a deserted hallway, to see a couple of kids in about fifth year. You ignore them, until you see the flaming red hair from the distance. You immediately recognize it as one of the twins, and being able to tell them apart, you notice it's Fred. And of course, Katie. They were currently having an intense make out session, and Katie was against the wall as Fred had her pinned to it. Sadness and anger courses throughout your body.
"Fred. Andrew. Weasley! How dare you? You filthy, lying, backstabbing prat! I should have known you were using me!" You yell, causing them to break apart.
"Y/N, I-" he tries.
"No, don't you fucking talk to me. Back the fuck up, we're over. Don't you ever come to me again." You say as you storm off, intentions to go to the astronomy tower.

You're sitting at the top of the tower, looking into the starry night sky, and you were shook out of your sadness trance as a voice behind you made you jump.
"Poor L/N Come to cry?" Malfoy sneers, smirking.
"Piss off Malfoy. I'm in no mood to deal with you now." You say with an angry tone back.
" Hey now, I didn't know it was serious. What is it?" He says as he sits beside you.
"As if you'd care. But you might as well know as everyone else will. My boyfriend cheated on me." You say, as tears surface once more. You feel a cold hand grip yours, and look down to see his hand entwined with yours. You look up to him as tears escape.
"Hey, I know I'm always an ass, but I'm here. He isn't worth these tears, you need to show him how happy you are without him. Once he sees that, he'll see what he's missed out on and what he threw away and will never get back again." He says as he wipes your tears away. You smile up to him, and exchange conversation until you both de use it's time to head back to your dorms.

______two days later_______

You walk into the great hall with Draco, and avert your eyes from Gryffindor table as you saunter over to Slytherin table.
You sit down, receiving a few nasty glared from other students.
"Shove off, never seen a Gryffindor before?" Draco says rudely to the onlookers. You smile up at him, as he starts to lean in unexpectedly. You realize what he's doing and hesitate, before leaning in as well and kissing him gently. You pull away, and look over yo Gryffindor table to see Fred looking angry and shocked. You smirk as you look up to Draco, feeling a sudden surge For him. Let us say, Fred did not take this sight very well. He attempted to make you jealous and gain your attention in many ways after this, but it didn't bother you, as you had simply ignored it and didn't care, because you loved Draco. Fred couldn't change that.

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