Harry X Reader

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my best friends, who requested this, so this goes out to the two of you. If it's not what you wanted, let me know and i'll change it.

Warnings: lots of fluff!!

You sat in the Gryffindor common room, not being able to sleep. You didn't know why, exactly, you just couldn't. Sitting on the couch, legs tucked under you, reading your favourite book, hoping you would at least be able to drift off from the warmth the fire is giving off. You turn the page of your book, that you have to return to the library the following morning. That's when you hear the sound of a door, and footsteps coming towards you, then hands on your shoulders. Harry. You sigh in relief, thinking it was some boy who wanted to come out and flirt with you. You have been dating Harry ever since your third year, which makes it almost nine months you have been dating. He sits down beside you.
"What are you doing up, love?" He asks looking at you.
"Couldn't sleep." You say simply.
"Well, then, better have me with you, eh?" He laughs.
"Okay then, Harry." You scoff slightly, but smile at him.
"Hey! One second, I have something I want to show you! C'mon!.." He says, taking your hand and leading you out of the common room.

"Harry..we shouldn't be out here..." You ask worriedly.
"Come on, please.." He pleas, leading you towards the astronomy tower. You sigh in defeat, giving in and letting him lead you on. Once you are at the top, he brings you to the railing and kneels on one knee, making you gasp.

"Harry? We're 15..." He laughs softly.
"Don't worry, i'm not proposing. Yet." He smiles, emphasizing the last word.

"Well..what is it?"

He pulls out a ring box still, and it is indeed a ring.

"Y/N, It's a promise ring. I want you to promise me that you won't leave me, we'll stay together no matter what happens, and sometime in the future, we will get married. I love you, Y/N. Do me the honor of putting this on you..?" He says nervously. You can feel tears brimming your eyes, happy tears. You place your hand in his, letting him slip the ring onto your finger. He gets up onto both feet and immediately crashes his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. He pulls away, and rests his forehead on yours.
"I love you, Y/N." He breathes.

"I love you too, Harry. But did you need to bring me up here for that?" You ask him with a smile.

"Yes, it's the best way I could think of. I mean, look." He turns you around, so you're looking out over the quiet grounds, the stars reflecting brightly off the water of the black lake.
"It's beautiful..." You breathe, enjoying the view that meets your eyes.

"Just like you.." He says, kissing your cheek from behind. You stayed up there, leaving only when dawn started to come, and heading back to the common room before you were caught up there.

A/N: Okay this one sucked terribly I hate it I think I might do a redo of it in the near future, with loads of editing. Idk I just really don't like it. Vote and request!

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