Ron X Reader

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Warnings: Uhh..none

" That was an amazing game! Wouldn't you agree, Ron?" Ginny exclaims, beaming.
" Yeah, bloody brilliant." Ron's voice is poisoned with sarcasm. You laugh and playfully hit Ron on the arm.
"Oh, get over the fact that Ginny and I are so totally better at Quidditch than you and Harry!"
Ron snorts. "Okay, Y/N." He blushes.
You walk back into the burrow, where you then proceeded to go up to Ginny's room as it was nearing dusk.
You sit down on Ginny's bed, as she begins to speak.
"I think Ron may...fancy you, Y/N." She winks at you, causing you to give her a weird look.
"Hell, stop kidding me Gin." You say, relatively unhappy that you knew Ron would never like you.
"Oh but I'm serious. I've seen the way he looks at you, and acts around you. He never stops blushing, either!" She continues. You sigh.
"Ginny, please stop before I strangle you with your own sweater. Ron hates me."
She gives you a shocked look at your threat, and backs up, causing you to laugh.
"Oh, lay off, Gin." You smirk.
"Uh, no. Y/N." She says as she raises a hand, pointing behind you. You turn to see your former crush, Ronald Weasley. You gasp. He smirks. You back up. He walks closer.
"Uh, Ron?" You say, slightly scared because you don't know what's about to happen. He just puts his hand underneath your chin, and kisses you lightly. You hear Ginny gasp from behind you, and you kiss back till he pulls away.
"I told you so!" Ginny screams.
" Yeah yeah.." You wave her off before following Ron out of the room.

A/N: Okay I'm sorry this was short and I know it sucked sorry guysss but send in requests!

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