Draco Malfoy

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A/N: I know my only updates I released this week are of Draco, but I really can't think of any other plots for anyone. I apologise.

Draco Malfoy had a girl crush and everyone made fun of him for it. He couldn't help it. He loved her soft, silky H/C hair, her warm E/C eyes. It was only natural for him to like someone, anyway.

But the downside to him liking Y/N, was that she was already taken. Taken by a boy named Byun Baekhyun. (I'm sorry I had to throw my Baek in this one.)

So, naturally, Y/N was fully unobtainable for Draco. She had been with Baekhyun for a few months now, and were best friends before they started dating. Draco felt what he knew as jealousy, and he needed to quench it. But he couldn't. Even though Draco was a cold hearted, disrespectful person more often than not, he still cared about you. And he knew that you loved Baekhyun. He just really didn't want to ruin things for you. As weird as it was for his friends to hear this when he was ranting on about Y/N, they nodded in agreement and partially understood what kind of situation he was in.

Draco had thought over the possibilities of if you would date him if he somehow revealed something terribly bad about Baekhyun, but he reconsidered, knowing too well that you would see through his lies. You and Draco weren't on bad terms, but you weren't overly close, either. Just friends. But Draco, being Draco, wanted to have something more than being just friends.

And, so that's brought you to today.

You were in the great hall, simply eating with Baek and talking with him about random things. He really did treat you right, as far as you knew. He had been loyal to you from the beginning, and he was even afraid to ask you out in fear of ruining your friendship. But you had always liked him, always watched him from afar. He had always been the one you loved, even if you weren't willing to admit it.

And then there was one problem. A certain blonde. He's a problem how? Well, he sort of captured your heart as well. How the hell can I like two guys at once? Let alone while I'm dating one of them! Was exactly what you thought when you first realised your feelings towards the pale blonde. Your feelings were even confusing yourself, you didn't know what to do about them. You had already tried to push down the feelings for Draco before, but to no avail, as they just kept resurfacing. They never went away, really.

"Y/N?" You hear a voice snap you out of your daydreams as you look to see Baekhyun waving a hand over your face.
"Sorry, Baek. Spaced out." You smile at him. He smiles gently back, a suspicious look on his face nonetheless.
"You were staring at that Malfoy dude." He informs you. And you look over to the blonde again, only to see him smirking. And you knew exactly why.
Great. I was staring at Draco that whole time I spaced out. You sigh, placing your chin in your hands as you look down to your half eaten food. You get up from the table.
"Ill see you later, Baek. I've gotta go to the library." You say, bending down to kiss him on the cheek while he gives a nonchalant 'mhmm'. You look at him questioningly. He never seemed this distant. You shrugged it off and set off for the library.


"What, Draco?" You sigh as you're officially overly annoyed with the blonde. He has been attempting to ask you out, as you study. You knew he knew you were with Baekhyun, so you didn't understand why he was suddenly attempting to ask you out now, as he has respected your feelings before now.
"C'mon, just one date?" He pleads.
"I said No, Draco!" You yell, earning a shush from Madam Pince as you murmur a soft 'Sorry'.

You get up, stuffing your books into your bag, attempting to leave the library without Malfoy on your tail. But he still follows. You shake your head, shooting around.
"Why the hell are you following me? Don't you understand what 'no' means? No means No, Draco! Now leave me alone!" You say to him, as he throws you an apologetic look.

"Fine." He sneers as he speeds past you, storming off in the direction of the great hall. You have to go the same way anyway to get to the dormitories, so you just walk the same way he disappeared. But as you round the next corner, you run into something hard. You look up from your position you landed in on the floor due to the impact of running into the familiar pale blonde. He looks down at you, a worried look on his face, seemingly worried about something other than your fall with the floor. You look forwards, only to be met with an agonising sight. Baekkie - your, Baekkie,- was against the wall, his lips moving against a brunette's. (Pre sure she's blonde but whatever)
You see a familiar Taeyeon, pushing your boyfriend against the wall. You would have said she was forcing him to kiss her, but you see he's kissing her back, his hands going around her waist, as to bring her closer.

You let out a sob, and immediately cover your mouth.

Baekhyun breaks away from Taeyeon, his eyes immediately filling with fear and regret.
"Baby, I'm so sorry-" he tries.
"No." You say.
"W-what?" He asks, disbelief written all over his face.
"I said No. We're over. I don't want to hear your gingerly excuses." You say, pushing past them, as you hear an angry Draco yell at him, then bounding footsteps coming towards you.

You feel an arm slip round your shoulders, and just as you make it to Y/H common room, you break down into a fit of sobs. Draco pulls you to him, your face in his chest as he strokes your hair soothingly.
"Shh, it's okay, I'm here." He tries whispering, in an attempt to calm you down, which failed.
After minutes of whispering sweet nothing's into your ear, you finally manage to calm yourself down enough to pull away from his well-built chest and look up into his face.

"I'm sorry." You say.
"For what?"
You point to his white shirt, now see through and soaked in the place you sobbed. He chuckles.
" Hey, don't worry about that." He says, pulling you to him.

"You know, I'll wait." He says.
"For what?" You ask.
"For you."
Silence comes between you two for a few moments before you finally pull away from him.
" It might take a while, and I'm not sure how long. But I guess...when I'm ready, I'll come to you. Because, in the future, I daresay I wouldn't mind a date with you." You say, throwing him a wink, despite the current situation.

"And I'll wait impatiently for that day." He chuckles, as he helps you up off the cold stone floor.

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