Draco Malfoy

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A/N: I'm sorry for all the Draco imagines, and that this one is short, I've just been getting ideas for him and not really anyone else. I apologise.

"Hey! Malfoy! Mister perfect!" You chirp towards the pale fifth year. You see him visually fume, as he turns around to you with his fists clenched.
" What?" He snaps.
"Mhm, just wondering when you'll stop bullying first years!" You yell back. He approaches you, smirking.
"I don't know..." He whispers into your ear, making you shiver.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"It depends on you." He shrugs as he walks away.
" Hey! What the hell? Come back here, Malfoy!" You yell at his back.
You sigh in defeat as you watch as he rounds the corner, you knowing he had a smirk on that pretty face of his the whole time.


Back in the Slytherin common room, you realise that it's only you and a certain pale blonde in the room. You planned to ask him what the hell he meant earlier, but decided on just going up to your room. But before you set your hand on the knob, you felt cold hands push you against a wall. You smirk when you see it's Draco.

"So, what the hell did you mean earlier?" You ask.
"I meant, that when I get what I want, I'll stop bullying first years." He smirks.
"And what exactly do you want, Malfoy?"
"You." He states before he kissed you, putting a leg between your legs to keep you in place. But he didn't need to worry about that, as you knew you weren't going anywhere. You subconsciously moved your hands to his hair, tugging on it a little, causing him to moan. He pulled away, with you smirking.
"I say we go to my dorm before we get an...unwanted disruption." He breathes as he starts kissing your neck.
"Right..." You say as he picks you up bridal style, bringing you up to his dorm.

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