Newt X Reader

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You were a wailing mess on the floor, as the tears you struggled to keep in rapidly streamed down your now pale face. You didn't want this to happen, why was being a muggle such a problem for this? Things could be different. It was stupid, and you knew it.

Newt was in the room nearby, his face buried in his hands as he let a few stray tears escape. He hated MACUSA, and the whole wizarding community at this point. His life had now officially became a hell, and he couldn't do anything about it. He was the one that fell for a No-Maj, and he doesn't necessarily regret doing that at all. But he does regret having you in this situation. He hated himself, he wanted to break things, throw things, because he had lost the only thing beside his creatures that he truly cared about.

His fiancée.

He could faintly hear your cries which were becoming softer, and it broke him that you had to go through this. He thought of every possible thing he could do instead, instead of having to do that to you. But every time he thought over his ideas, they all had a horrible outcome. He didn't want to lose you, after all the time that you had spent together. But at this point, he couldn't think of anything else to do without getting you hurt one way or another. So when the guard called him down to the room you were in, his heart stopped.

You were leaning against the cold stone wall, waiting for what was to come. You knew it had to happen, there was no other choice. You just wish it didn't have to be like this. You could have had a life with Newt, but those stupid aurors ruined it. You loved Newt and his creatures to death, and now it was all just going to be gone. You will have thought this world didn't even exist, and you will have had no trace whatsoever of what you had with Newt.

As you heard Newt approach you, you slowly look up. You were scared, but you knew you had no other choice. So when Newt sees you, a mess on the floor, he almost sprints over to you and takes your face in his hands.
"Y/N-" he starts.
"Its okay, I know it has to be done. Please...just do it." You wince at your own words. But you knew it was true.
He then pulls your face to his, and kisses you like he wouldn't ever kiss you again. Which he probably wouldn't. The salty taste from both of your tears lingering with the kiss, he only let's you go when you are both gasping for air.

He hugs you protectively, not wanting to let you go. And sobs wreck your body. You soak his shirt, and cling onto him for dear life. This was by far the worst day of your life. He pulled away, just as the guard yelled at him.
" Do it already!" He screeches. Newt backs up slightly, holding in sobs.
"Its okay, just do it. But I love you." You say, hearing him whisper
"I love you too, Y/N." You look up to him and smile sadly, then close your eyes.

Newt stands with his wand raised, his throat burning from all the tears he held in. He looks at you one more time, and almost breaks then, ad he watched you close your eyes, as if waiting for impact.

But what you didnt know, was what Newt had slipped into your jean pocket.

Newt takes a deep breath, then almost inaudiably, whispers.


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