Draco X Reader

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A/N: The above video is unrelated I just cannot stop laughing. Thought I'd share it with you guys! Also, I'll be deleting most of my author notes in this book so I'll have more room to write and I won't piss you guys off lmao sorry about that btw.

You were a sufferer from dyslexia. There wasn't anything else to it. Words were almost impossible for you to read, causing you to mess up in potions and many other classes. People simply thought you didn't know how to read, and simply bullied you because of that. But it wasn't that you couldn't read. People forget that people suffer from disorders like this, and it pains you to know that people are bullied because of something you cannot control.

Draco Malfoy was one of your former bullies. He used to bully you relentlessly, but that abruptly stopped for unknown reasons.
Let's admit it, half the school knew you had a massive crush on the blonde except for the blonde himself.

Speaking of failing grades, potions today wasn't the best either.
You sat in class beside Ron, who had a crush on you, and you knew it. He had been your friend ever since first year, and Hermione was jealous of you beyond reason, so you two never got along as she was never really civil towards you.

Snape had newly arranged partners paired up for the rest of term, which greatly annoyed everyone that had a partner they currently liked. You paid no mind to any of the names called until yours was called off his list.
"L/N and Malfoy are our last pair. You'll be brewing the potion known as Amortentia today. Begin." Snapes cold voice drawls out.

You immediately move your things to the other side of Draco's desk and go to get the ingredients you needed.
Once you're back, you try, to the best of your abilities, to read the first few instructions from the potions book, but to no avail. So you give up and just chop up certain ingredients. Draco hadn't spoken a word to you, just gave you disdainful looks ever since you approached him. You ignored him as much as possible, until he finally spoke.

"Hey, L/N! Read instruction 4 for me?" He says as he puts another ingredient into the cauldron.
"U-um, sure." You stutter. You look down at the book, trying to find the number 4. You find it, surprisingly easily.
You then try to read off it.
"U-umm..." You trail off, not being able to read the dancing letters.
"Can't you read?" He asks as his grey eyes meet your E/C ones.
"Y-yeah, but..."
"So you can't?" He smirks.
"I-" you try.
"Forget it. If you can't read, you'll ruin the potion. Just keep away from me and the cauldron." He says menacingly. You plop yourself down into your chair.

"Do you seriously think it's my fault the words move around whenever I try to read them..." You mumble, hoping he wouldn't catch what you said.
"Hm? What's that? You think the letters move?" He laughs, sending chills down your spine.
"Think? No. I know they do. I see them move, you prick." You sneer.
"Mhm, and Merlin's my father." He laughs, sarcasm dripping like venom from his words.
"Shut up!" You say, louder, causing a nearby pair to look at you weirdly.
"Why? Clearly, there's something wrong with this book when you read it. I suppose it's specially...designed? For your eyes only." He laughs as he finished his last words.
" Oh, so its my fault I have dyslexia?" You growl, causing him to jump back a bit.
"Seems someone has lost their "oomph."" You snarl.
"Shut it, L/N." He says, turning back to the potion.

Later, on your way to dinner, you feel a hand push you into a deserted classroom. You look up into the stormy eyes of Draco.
"What do you want?" You drawl.
" To help." He says simply as he flicks his wand a few times in your direction. You start to panic, worried at his movements.
"Calm down, here." He says, handing you a nearby book. You open it to a random page, looking at him. He nods his head down towards the pages
"Try to read it."
"Just try." He pleads.
You sigh, and look down at the pages once more. You see that you can finally make out the words, something you haven't been able to do for years. Your eyes widen.
"I can read..." You say to yourself. Draco smiles when you look up at him.
"Thanks to who?" He asks, smirking.
" You." You whisper as you jump into his arms.
"Thank you!" You yell, laughing. He chuckles a bit.
"Its no problem." He says.
"Why?" You ask.
"Why did I do it?" He asks as if to confirm your question.
You nod.
"Because I love you." He whispers, his face slowly inching closer towards yours. You close the rest of the distance and connect your lips.

"I love you too." You say, breathless. You smile uncontrollably for the rest of the night, unable yo contain your happiness.

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