Draco X Reader

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Warnings: Swearing and almost rape, so if you're uncomfortable with this topic, I don't recommend reading!

To put it simply, Draco Malfoy was your boyfriend. You loved him more than words could ever express, and everyone knew how much you both loved each other.
One would hardly ever be without the other. Draco was protective of you, and you appreciated that. He meant so much to you, it killed you to see him hurt. But that is exactly what you saw Sunday evening. But for good reason, at least.

You were best friends with Blaise, and Draco's little cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. You didn't know how, but you were. But for how long, exactly?
You and Draco have been dating for a while now. About two years, and that explained your undying love for each other. He would always be able to cheer you up when you were down. That's another thing you loved about him so much.

Sunday evening, in the common room. You're perfectly content with just sitting on the common room couch, in the arms of your loving boyfriend. His arm around You, one on your thigh, holding you protectively. Your head on his chest, arms around his torso. You couldn't stand being away from him.
And that's when a teacher enters the common room, ignoring all the students around you. Snape walks over towards you and Draco, and says something so quiet only Draco can hear. Draco turns to you.
" Hey, I'll be back in a few minutes, okay? I have something I need to attend to with Potter." He sneers his name, as if it were poison in his mouth. Although, it basically was, to him. You look up to him as he gets up, unravelling himself from the embrace.
"Okay." You smile, as he leans down and kisses you on the cheek, almost ignoring Snape's ushers for him to get out.

Once they're out of the common room, you sit down on the couch, looking into the crackling fire. Ignoring the ruckus the first and second years are making around you, you put your legs criss-crossed in front of yourself for more comfort.
You feel the couch dip in beside you, and look over to see your best friend, Blaise Zabini. He smirks at you.
"Where's Draco?" He asks.
"I don't know." You say, shrugging.
"Why would he leave a pretty girl like you all alone?" He says, smirk never leaving his face.
You shift uncomfortably, not answering him. He suddenly puts one of his hands on your thigh, where Draco's once rested. You try to bat it away, but he didn't move it.
"Could you move your hand?" You ask annoyed.
"I could, by that doesn't mean I will." He smirks once more.
" Okay, you pervert. I'm going to go get a book, so piss off me." You say, as his hands glide further up the inside of your thigh. You get up, pushing him off you, and make your way to your dorm, not intending to come out. You just wanted to lock that door behind you, and not come out again until Draco came back.

You get into your dorm, and close the door. But before you could lock it, it bursts open, causing you to fall back. You look up into the face of Blaise, and fear crossed over you. You hoped he wouldn't do anything he shouldn't...

He closes the door and locks it, then saunters over to you. He picks you up, then throws you on your bed.
" Hey you prick! Get out! What the hell?!" You yell, hoping someone would hear you.
"Im getting what I've always wanted, Y/N." He says, grabbing your face with one hand.
" And Draco can't stop me this time."
Fear courses through you.
"This time?! You mean you tried before and he stopped you?!"
" Yeah, that little twat wouldn't let me near you. Now there's nothing he can do about it." He says, trying to be slightly seductive, but drastically failing.
He suddenly starts unzipping his pants, and you squirm to try to get out. He grabs you though, and also unzips your pants, then takes them off.
"Help!" You call out, Blaise immediately covering your mouth when you did. He uncovered it after being sure you wouldn't call out again, but oh was he ever wrong.
"Draco! DRACO!! Help!" The last part comes out more of a yelp, as your voice cracks. You suddenly hear banging on the door, and a familiar voice ring through it.
"Y/N?! Are you okay? Unlock the door!" He yells, fists still banging on the door.
"Draco, you're not stopping me this time. You shouldn't have left your precious alone!" Blaise yells.
"Blaise?! You fucking prick! Let me in Now! You better not lay a hand on her!" Dracos angered voice rings through. You can hear him calling for your roommate to help with the door.
Blaise just continues to try to undress you, but you do everything you can to stop him.

"Y/N! Are you okay?! Don't let him touch you! Blaise you fucking asshole, get away from her!" He yells. And that's when the door breaks down, Draco and your roommate standing there, witnessing the scene before them. Draco immediately runs over to you, pulls Blaise off, and starts using him as a punching bag as your roommate comforts you, embracing you as you soak her shirt from your tears.

Once Draco is done beating up the disgusting thing you once called your friend, he runs over to you. Your roommate moves out of the way, and let's Draco comfort you. His eyes show anger and sorrow at what he almost did to you, and how close he was to it. He brings you into his loving embrace, and buries his face into your hair. Blaise left forgotten, groaning on the floor, Draco's grip doesn't falter on you. Apparently your roommate went and got the head of house, because Snape walked into the sight right behind her. He takes one look, and picks Blaise up by his collar and drags him out of the room, then out of the common room. You going onto Draco, your sobs echoing through the room as your roommate left and closed the door, giving you more privacy. He pulled away, his face wet with tears, and looks at you.
"Baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I could have stopped him. I could have helped you." He cries.
"Its not your fault.. " you say through your sobs you're fighting to hold back.
"It is! I could have saved you from this. I love you so much, Y/N." He says, embracing you again.
"I love you too Draco..." You say into his shoulder.

He never left your side for the rest of the night, and Blaise was expelled from school. Draco was quick to get someone to back off when they flirted with you, and wouldn't ever let something like that happen again. Because Merlin knows, he loves you. More than anything. And he'll always be there to help you, and protect you. He can't stand seeing his baby in pain. And he won't let you be in pain, not while he's breathing.

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