Draco X Reader

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Warnings: Maybe like, two swear words? If hell can be categorized as that, I suppose.

You felt a sudden strange feeling, towards the blonde. What? You are not sure of, exactly..But, you knew you didn't want it to stay. Walking out of charms, with your best friend, Hermione, you wanted to just go out by your favourite tree by the black lake and just sit there, reading, or enjoying the quietness and view of your place. But, of course, not everything can go as planned.

Sitting out there, finally away from the murmur of people talking everywhere around you, you lay your head back against a beech tree, and close your eyes. But that of course, is when you hear a voice.

"Hey, L/N! Mudblood! Whatcha reading?" Malfoy's cold voice sneers from a small distance. You sigh and open your eyes, greatly annoyed at the rude interruption.

"A muggle book, Draco. Nothing you would get. Or care about.." You mutter the last part under your breath, completely unaware that he had heard it. Thankfully though, he simply shrugged it off.

"Mhm..Well, then, that goes quite well with your mudblood self, doesn't it?" He sneers.

"For the fiftieth time, Draco, I am a halfblood. Sod off, and leave me alone."

"No, I don't think I will." He says, sitting down beside you. You scoot away uncomfortable, not really wanting to be anywhere near him. He ignores this and continues.

"So, L/N, why do you always read? Shouldn't you be in Ravenclaw if you're into books?" He says, gesturing towards your book.

"Well, Draco, I take pleasure in my house traits. But, I would have liked to have been put into Ravenclaw so it would have been appropriate for me to read all the books I like. But, whatever." You say, looking out over the lake.

"Right, then. Well, one more question. Why do you call me by my first name when so many others use my last name, even then in utter disgust? Do you..say, fancy me or something?" He asks, smirking his famous smirk.
"Excuse me, but I would not ever go so low as to like a lowlife such as you who bullies first years into submission. And, I use your first name, because I just call everyone by that. I guess it's a habit,or something." You shrug, not really having an answer. He suddenly gets up.

"Oh, but you fancy me, don't you, L/N? I can see it in your eyes." He sniggers a bit at his cheesy reference.

"Bugger off, Draco."

"See? You called me by it again! You fancy me."

"Why are you even so set on that idea anyway?" You ask, almost afraid of the answer. He suddenly bends down, and picks you up bridal style.
"Wha..? Put me down! What the hell?" You say, trying to wriggle out of his grasp, but to no avail.

"See..Hm..Maybe a dip in the lake will make you admit.." He says, laughing slightly.

"NO! STOP! LEMME GO!!" You yell, fists now beating against his back as to make your point. And then you feel his grasp slip away, as you can feel water start to cover you completely. You surfaced, and immediately heard him laughing as hard as physically possible. That little git...He was bent over, clutching his stomach from the agonizing laughter. You cough up some more water, regaining your breath. You sit there, an angry look on your face as you impatiently wait for him to stop.

Eventually, he stops laughing and looks at you, smiling a genuine smile. Not one of his usual smirks he usually wears.

"Well, Y/N? Ready to confess yet?" He asks.

"Fine.." You mutter, unable to ignore the feelings any longer.

"Hah! See? I told you you fancied me, Y/N..But that's okay.." He says, walking over to you. You move back slightly, part of you afraid he would push you underwater or something.
"But that's okay, because I fancy you too." He states simply, pulling you in for a kiss.

You immediately melt into his arms, savoring the moment. He pulls away all to quickly, and looks into your glossy E/C eyes.

"And I'm going to make sure all my house mates know that the Slytherin prince fell for a beautiful Mudblood.." He says, helping you up.

"Halfblood!" You almost yell, accepting his cloak as he throws his arm around your shoulders.

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