Seamus X Reader

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Prompt ~ Break up and make up

Warnings: Swearing

You're sitting in the Gryffindor common room, watching your boyfriend of one year and a half, Seamus Finnigan, play wizard's chess in the corner of the common room. You made sure to keep an eye on them, not because you didn't trust Seamus, but because you didn't trust her. Parvati Patil, has always fancied your boyfriend.
"Checkmate!" Seamus basically yells, making a few first years look at him warily.

"Ohh, Seamus, you always beat me! You're so good at this.." Parvati giggled as she playfully hit him on the arm. Anger raged in you, but you tried to push it down. You trusted him, and you weren't going to let your anger get the best of you.
"Say, could we maybe study together sometime? Maybe you could show me some...techniques.." She almost whispered, fully aware of you sitting on the couch, pretending to read your favourite muggle book.

"Of course! I would love to." He smiles at her. Oh no, he did not just do that. You finally have had enough and went over to their table, and grabbed Parvati fuck-il by her hair and pushed her in the direction of the portrait hole. She looked terrified and winced at the sudden impact you had on her. She ran out of the common room.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Seamus asks, anger lacing his voice.

"You're in a relationship, and you know full well how that fuck-head is all over you, and how

much I hate her. That's filthy, you know? You could lose this relationship from that."

"Yeah? Well maybe I want to. Maybe I don't want to be stuck with an over controlling girlfriend who controls who I can be with." He gets up and stares you dead in the eye. You feel tears stinging your eyes, but hold them back. You wouldn't let him see that he got to you.

"Fine." And with that you stormed to your dorm and cried yourself to sleep.

Over the next few weeks, you could see Seamus was indeed getting closer with Patil. You tried to ignore this, but it was hard as you still loved him. He would sit with her in every class, and at meals, and would come back to the common room late together, and such. With this, you decided to get him back. You knew how much he hated Malfoy, so you tried what you could.

You sat with Malfoy in potions, and he smirked.
"Has L/N finally come to her senses and decided to dump that Finnigan traitor? Finally realized your attraction towards me?"

You looked to make sure Snape wasn't looking, and looked out of the corner of your eye to see that Seamus was eyeing you two. So you grabbed Malfoy's face, and kissed him roughly. You could hear a few snickers and whistles from the Slytherins, causing you to break apart before Snape caught you and scolded you, and had yet another reason to remove house points and give detentions. You glanced out of the corner of your eye once again, only to see Seamus' dumbfounded look. You smirk to yourself and look over at Draco, who is also smirking. You then continue class as normal, except for the awkward feeling of Seamus' eyes on you and glaring daggers at Draco.

You walk out into the courtyard, where you asked Draco to meet you. You see him and walk up to him.

"Hey, uh Draco?"


"Okay, I wanted to apologize for Potions. I..I was only trying to-"

"To make Finnigan jealous? Yeah, I noticed. That's fine, just so you know..Bloody Finnigan deserves to feel like that after screwing around with Patil." He cuts you off. Your smile fades and you feel guilt building inside your chest.

"Listen, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to use you like that, I'm sorry." You say, worried he'll be mad, as you two have been rather close.
"No, it's fine. Really. Just as long as you're happy, I suppose." He says, smirking.

"Thanks for understanding..I guess. Well, have a nice remainder of the day." You say walking off, fully aware of the angry Seamus storming up to you. He grabs your arm, and pulls you into a broom closet nearby. He suddenly pushes his lips to yours, full of lust. You give in, and he pulls away.

"What the hell, Y/N? You know how much I despise Malfoy!" He says through gritted teeth.

"I do, and its the same for you, as you knew how much I hate Patil. Now piss off, before I scream."

"Listen, Y/N, I am so sorry. I realized how annoying she is, and way too clingy for my liking. I love you, and only you. There wasn't ever anything between me and her, although she did attempt to make a move on me and she ended up falling into a bookshelf when I managed to dodge her."

You laugh, picturing the image in your head.

"Well, C'mere, then.." You say, putting your hand on the back of his neck to pull him in for yet another kiss. He gladly returns the gesture, and when you pull away, out of breath, he whispers a barely audible "I love you."

"I love you too, Seamus..."

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