Harry X Reader Part 2

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A/N: I'm so sorry I have to make you guys go back through my book to find the other chapter, but pugglet1 suggested making a part 2 and I took it into consideration. Anyway, I think it's like the 2nd Harry X Reader I have posted. I'm so sorry lmao also sorry if this seemed rushed bc I only have limited time with internet as it is basically all used up for the month so I tried to hurry and finally update for you guys. I'll edit the book eventually and fix my mistakes I'm sorry lmao

Also, this is kinda changed into a Draco X Reader, just so you know. Please don't hate me.

After your little breakthrough at Harry, he had tried countless times to reconnect with you. He had tried just about everything he could think of to try and convince you to forgive him, but you wouldn't have it. You knew what you saw. And because of Harry, you had actually started to sit at the Slytherin table at meals. Draco was there. You had always been closely acquainted with him, just not really what you could call close friends. You had noticed he was different though. You noticed how slim he had gotten just over one summer, you noticed the smirk that usually played at his lips was now replaced with a frown or a neutral look most of the time.
He used to smile so much, or at least smirk. And his bullying eased a lot, though this was also good, it worried you greatly. He's been so distant from so many people, including yourself. He even has taken to completely avoiding you, which, frankly, did hurt.

As you took your seat in potions, you looked up to the door to see Harry come in with Ginny. You looked on with a scowl, which Ginny took notice of, and smirked when she saw you staring. You looked away as Harry looked to you, and he sauntered over to your desk, threw his books down on the desk beside it and plopped himself into the seat beside yourself.

"Y/N, listen. I'm sorry, and I-" Harry tried.
"No. Don't even try this. I'm done with your useless apologies, they mean nothing. And now that I think about it, we never really officially broke up. So guess what? We're over." You said as you grabbed your books to get up and move away. You saw the hurt in his eyes, but took no notice as you simply didn't care anymore.

You looked over yo Draco, who was looking at you intently. You saw the seat beside him which was absent, so you took it upon yourself to sit there. You looked over to him, and for the first time in months, saw the corner of his mouth twitch slightly, and he finally broke out into a grin as he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Its about time you did that, don't you think?" He asked, still smiling. You smiled back, overjoyed you finally got your friend to smile.
" Yeah, I do suppose." You look down, still smiling. You then feel something smooth slip into your hand, and look down to see a note.

Meet me at the astronomy tower at 9

You look up to Draco, only a ghost of a smile. But still, you were happy he finally smiled. You looked up towards the front of the room, and saw Harry glaring in Draco's direction. You looked over to Draco once again, only to see him sternly returning the glare. You scoff toyourself as you roll your eyes, being reminded of their old childish behaviour.

____________time skip__________

You silently walk up the stairs of the astronomy tower, seeing Draco sitting there, gazing out at the vast horizon below. You sit beside him, and he looks to you.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly caused you to fight?" He asked, referring to you and Harry.
"You." You shrug, and he looks surprised at your answer.
"He thought you were a death eater or something, and of course, I stood up for you and said j beloved you still had god within You, and he just accused me of having a secret love with you." You scoff at the thought.
He thinks for a moment.
"If I showed you something, will you promise not to tell anyone or freak out?" He asks hesitantly.
"Of course."
And He pulls up his sleeve, revealing his secret that he has been holding in for close to a year. He expected you to cower in fear, but instead you just threw your arms around him, surprising him greatly. He returned the gesture, though.

"Draco, I love you." You choke out.
"I love you too, Y/N."
You pull back, tears glazing your face. You then did the last thing you'd thought you would do. You kissed him. And he kissed back, and you felt him finally smile against your lips. You pulled away, out of breath, and you both broke into fits of giggles.
You quickly calmed yourselves, as you looked up to Draco.
"I didn't want to, Y/N. But he threatened my mother if I didn't, I'm sorry." He says sadly.
"Hey hey, it's okay. I won't let him hurt You, no matter how strong he really is. Because I love You, Draco. And I always will." You say as you hug him tightly.
"I love you too." He sniffles into your shoulder, smiling for what felt like the millionth time that night. Draco even surprised himself at how much he smiled that night, but he was glad he finally found something that made him increasingly happy. And so were you.

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