Harry X Reader

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A/N: This imagine is a bit short, so i apologize. Imma do your guys' Draco imagines tomorrow. Idek anymore. I was thinking about also starting another fan fiction book, but can't decide between The Walking Dead, Skyrim, Yu-Gi-Oh and The Vampire Diaries. Thoughts? Requests open!

Warnings: eh, some cussing I suppose.

You never really got why everyone was so obsessed over Harry Potter. The so called 'Boy Who lived'. But, either way, you knew you had a crush on the boy. Not obsessive, but you had a crush. And that's exactly the reason you embarrassed yourself the second you walked through the door of Potions.

You were walking down the hall, of course, with your best friends. The Weasley twins. But as you dropped your textbooks you were holding, you told them to head on into class and you'd catch up to them. Not your best idea.
You finished picking up the last book, and headed for the potions class.
As you walked through the door, class was already started. And the room was drenched in an all too familiar smell.

"Does someone want to tell me why the actual hell this room smells like it's absolutely drenched in Potter's cologne?" You yell out so the whole class could hear. Heads slowly started to turn towards you, and you caught Harry's eye. You looked into the nearest cauldron, and immediately noticed the potion everyone was brewing.
Why me?
Stop looking at me!

Your face turns slightly to fear, realising you had just completely let out your feelings. You sigh, walking through the class, taking your seat beside the Weasley twins, who were having a very hard time containing their laughter.
"Shut up." You mumble, throwing them the dirtiest look you had. They shut up instantly, continuing their potion as you slumped down in your chair, folding your arms, ignoring eye contact with everyone. Especially Harry.

After your very embarrassing moment in potions, you decided to let it go. You knew Harry wouldn't like you, and you had to live with that. But the sound of footsteps approaching jerked you out of your Thoughts, as you turned to see the last person you wanted to see.
" Hey." Harry sits beside you.
"Um..hey." You reply shyly.
Silence crossed over you, remaining for a few moments.
"Well, this is awkward..." You try.
" Its not awkward unless you want it to be. Unless you make it awkward." He shrugs. He them smiles at you. He freaking smiles at you.
" Was it true?" He asks.
"Hm? Oh, of what I smelled in the Amortentia? Yeah." You reply.
"Well that's okay..." he starts, which grabs your attention.
"Cause I smelled your perfume in my potion." He smirks, sending a shiver down your spine. You were relieved to know he could like you back, but was he willing to be with you?
He suddenly takes your hand in his, and kissed it lightly, not removing his gaze from yours.
"Hogsmeade? Will you go with me this weekend?" He asks hopefully, still clutching onto your hand.
"Of course." You smile brightly.

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