Percy X Reader Part 2

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Sitting in the Gryffindor common room, it's the night of the Yule ball. You haven't got a date, although a few people like Cormac have asked you, you turned them down due to their ugly reputation.
Percy has seemingly been avoiding you the past few days ever since you asked him to the Yule ball, and told you he was already with Penelope. You have felt rather unsettled and oblivious to this, but you just ignored him as well after about two days of trying to talk to him.
You're up in your dorm now, putting on your silver and blue dress. It flayed a bit at the ends, giving you a sophisticated look. You did your makeup, and your hair was done in just your normal straight do, but a half up half down look. Once you were happy with your appearance, you took a deep breath and walked down the stairs from your dorm, hoping there weren't any guys really around, specifically Percy. And luckily, it was only Fred and George there, as you decided to go down after most of the people have already left.
"Lookie here, Freddie, our Y/N is smoking!" George says, a grin plastered onto his face.
"Oh, wow Georgie. I think Percy has lost it if he turned this down!"
"Guys, really, thanks." You say, happy someone appreciates you.
"Yes! Well, let's go!" George said, giddy for some reason.

You head down to the Great hall, which has now been transformed into the ball. Fred and George on either side of you, you walk down the stairs leading into the great hall. People turn to look at you, including a wide eyed Percy. Even Malfoy, who has bullied you for the past years, stopped what he was doing and has turned to look at you. You smile to yourself and walk down the rest of the stairs, and go to a corner and sit down, watching the champions dance, and then the rest take their dates onto the dance floor and dance. You spotted Percy, softly smiling at his date, then he looked at you, and made eye contact which you immediately broke. Eventually the song changed, and people sat down in places. Malfoy came over to you, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Dance with me, L/N?"
"Sure." You reply with a smile. He leads you onto the dance floor and you entwine your fingers around his neck, his on your waist. You expected him to be rude, but to your surprise, he was a good dancer and was respectful for once. The dance stopped, and you once again made your way to a table. Percy approached, and you didn't bother talking, waiting for him to.
"Y/N, why won't you talk to me?" You ignored him, not wanting to talk to him. He grabbed your arm, not roughly, and brought you up to eye level.
"Okay, at least dance with me?" He asked, smiling slightly. You nodded, biting back a smile. He took you out as the next dance started, and put his hands on your waist. You finally lifted your head to look into his eyes, and he was smiling. He seemed happy..but you thought he hated you? Pushing the thoughts away, you smiled softly at him and you could see Penelope glaring at you out of the corner of your eye. You laughed.
"What?" Percy asked, tilting his head slightly to look at you.
"I think your date is jealous, Perce." You say, trying to sound sympathetic.
"Oh, so what? She was starting to get annoying anyway..Too clingy, the damn girl wouldn't get off me for two seconds!" He says, glaring right back at her.
"Well, you did come with her, so I suppose I'd bette-" You were cut off short, by a pair of soft lips moving on yours. You were shocked for a minute, but quickly began to kiss back. He pulled away, and you looked just in time to see Penelope storming off. You grinned at Percy, who was smiling back. Maybe this world isn't all that bad...

A/N: Okay I know this story sucked but I thought it was kinda cute, Requests are still open and next i'm doing Draco X Depressed reader

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