Ron X Reader

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Prompt ~ He cheats

Warnings: Snogging, swearing

"Bye, Y/N!" Your boyfriend, Ron Weasley, says after leaving Divination together. He said he had to go practice Quidditch, while he had a free period and you had to go to Ancient Runes. You round to the next corridor on your way to Y/H common room, to switch your books.

Walking back out of the common room, you almost jog on your way to Ancient Runes, otherwise you'd likely be late. You hear the sound of books slapping onto the cold stone floor in a small distance away, it sounded like it was the next corridor down. You round the corner to see a pile of Charms textbooks on the floor, and your eyes flicker upwards to see the sight you wished you would never see. Lavender Brown, and Ronald Weasley, YOUR boyfriend, stuck against each other, hands moving on eachother's bodies.

"R-Ron?" You choke out through strangled sobs. They instantly break apart at the sound of your voice and Lavender smirks. Ron instantly turns the colour equivalent to his hair, and pushes Lavender away from him. He tries to reach out to you, but you slap him across the face. Tears you didn't realize were there, were in your eyes, glossing them over. You dare not to let them fall, for fear your vulnerability would get out and around. You've always been that strong girl, who always has her guard up and only lets a select few into her inner circle. You instantly regret ever giving Ron that satisfaction.
"Y/N, I-"

"I trusted you." You cut him off, your voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

"I'm sorry! She-She threatened to hurt you if I didn't snog her, and you weren't supposed to find out and-"

"Fuck you, Ronald. You deserve her, a thieving little bitch who will always blackmail you and use you to get what she wants. She is nothing, and neither are you. And anyway, you're still untrustworthy and mindless if you tried to keep this from me, to have had this hid from me, behind my back. Fuck you, and I hope prewtty little Lavender here gets this asshole you came for. Go rot in Azkaban!" You yell. You can see the hurt flash in Ron's eyes, and for a split second you feel kind of bad for being so hard on him, but he did deserve it, Right? Especially after even considering to keep this a secret from you...Right? You storm off, leaving both Ron and Lavender with their jaws dropped.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so shortttt! But, I promise the next one will be longer. I am also sorry for not updating very often..It's all due to school and sports, and from all that I'm always tired. Sorry! Send in your requests!

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