Draco X Reader

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A/N: i feel like i did this idea before so if i did then please feel free to tell me.

Dracos POV

"Draco! Truth or dare?" Blaise asks me.
"Dare." I sigh.
"I dare you to ask that Y/N girl to the Yule ball!" He exclaims excitedly.
I groan. "Blaise, that's a stupid dare. Why would I do that." I say, placing my face on one of my hands, watching as Pansy fumes with anger, of me having to ask a girl beside her. It's quite funny, the way she fawns over me.
"Draco, you gonna do it or not?" Blaise presses.
"Yeah." I say, annoyed.


"Really?!" She beams. I admit, I do feel a little bad for asking her to the ball only as a dare, but she's a Gryffindor. Honestly, who would actually like her? She's annoying as hell too.

" Yeah." I say, without emotion.
"Great! I mean..yes! I'll go with you!" She says happily. It's no question she has a crush on me. It's quite obvious.
"Alright. Cool." I say, turning to leave.


The Draco Malfoy asked me to the Yule ball! I knew it probably wasn't real...the way he talked to me with no emotion, it was obvious. But nonetheless, I still was one of the happiest people alive.

Hemione, my best friend, helped me get ready for the ball. She did my hair in these ridiculous, but gorgeous, styles, she even put on a bit of my make up. The dress I wore was absolutely stunning too. Total, it took around 2 hours to get me completely ready. It would have taken longer had I not had Hermione to help me. Thank Merlin for her.

I walk down the stairs to the room the ball is being held in, and look around for Draco. Of course, he was over with his friends. So after Hermione saw me off, I went to sit down, waiting for him to actually notice me. His friends pointed him in the direction, and he walked over to me, hands in his pockets. The song started up.

" Want To dance?" He asks.
"Sure." I smile. I was honestly really happy, though I knew it wouldn't last.

Swaying to the song, I accidentally step on his foot. And again. Then again.
"God, I'm so sorry. I'm really bad at this." I say, taking a smile. He looked angry, of course.
"Really? I noticed. You're useless at dancing, I shouldn't have asked you." He sighs.
" Yeah." I laugh, pulling away from him.
"Um...Ill be right back. " I say, heading out the doors to the stairs where I once entered. I spot Hermione also had a really bad time. I sit beside her.

" You okay, 'Mione?" I ask, holding in tears myself. She notices though.
"Not Really, but neither are you. What is it?" She questions.
"Draco. Called me useless at dancing, shouldn't have asked me. I mean, it's true. I know it was a dare." I say, letting a single tear slip.
"Well, go in there and dance with someone else! We spent hours on you, Y/N. Go let someone enjoy it rather than that stupid git." She smiles at me.
"Maybe you're right. Will you be okay?" I ask.
"Im fine. Now go!" She says.

I go outside the doors, and peer in, my eyes scanning the room for Draco. I finally spot the head of blonde, and of course, my heart sinks. He's slow dancing. With Parkinson. Parkinson. Of all people. I see her talking to him, and they both seem off. I run off, trying to get to my dorm without anyone seeing me.

Well this night went well.

--------Time Skip. Third Person POV-------

You run up to your dorm, and shake your hair so it's back to its natural beauty. The makeup gets washed off, and you change into your pajamas.
You flop down onto your bed, and close your eyes.

Without even realising you fell asleep, you hear the door slam open and a pair of footsteps rushing towards you. Hermione pulls the covers off you.
"Y/N! Get up!" She screeches.
"What?" You groan.
"Someone's outside the common room, he wants to talk to you. Like now. Get up!" She yells.
"Okay I'm getting up! Geesh..." You yell back.

You walk out of the common room portrait, rubbing your eyes. It's probably eleven at night, but whatever. You look around, only to see Draco.
"Malfoy." You spit.
"In Sorry okay? I didn't mean to call you useless. You aren't useless, and you looked gorgeous tonight. And that was not a dare. Because I know you know that I asked you to go as a dare."
He says.
These words surprised you, but you remembered Parkinson.
"What about Parkinson? I saw you dancing with her. You're probably dating..." You mumble.
"Dating?! That troll?! I don't think so. She was dancing with me, to talk to me. She likes me, yeah. But she saw you storm out, and for once in her life was a decent person, and told me to go after you. So I did. But you weren't anywhere to be seen, so I had to wait for Granger to go back to the Gryffindor common room so I could get you out here. Because honestly, Y/N..."
He grabs your face in his hands.
"I love you. And this isn't a dare to say that. Because I love you." He then leans in, and you close the rest of the space between you.
You pull away, and rest your forehead on his.
"I love you too Draco." You smile

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