Percy X Reader

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Percy Weasley was the pompous brat of the school. Y/N was the beautiful, head turning girl. They had some things in common, including having no idea the other existed.

Y/N was the kind of girl that had those stunning E/C eyes, the luscious H/L, H/C hair, and her smile could leave people with a tingly feeling. Being in Slytherin, she didn't really fit in with her house traits. She wasn't cold and heartless like the rest of them, and she wasn't stuck up. So seeing this, the Slytherins all hated her, but she was good friends with members from the other houses.

You loved reading in the library, it was just one of your favourite things to do. Pulling out your favourite incantations book, you immediately were submerged within it. The library wasn't for very many people, so when you heard the door squeak open, your head shot in that direction, slightly cracking your neck in the process. You winced softly, and looked up at the visitor. Some guy you didn't know, but clearly was a Weasley with his hair and sombre expression. He began walking the aisles, and you discreetly watched him. You were intrigued by him, to say the least. How you never knew about him was a complete mystery to you, as you had always been quite close with the Weasley twins. He finally found the book he was clearly looking for, and his eyes scanned the room for a place to sit. Once he saw the empty seat across from you, he slowly walked over. Upon reaching you, he softly pulled out the chair and sat.
"I haven't seen you around before. Why's that? You must be at least fifth year, judging by your height...thats the year I'm in." He asked softly, as if trying not to scare you off.
You looked up from your book and offered him a sly smile. "Y/N, Y/N L/N. Slytherin, and yes I'm fifth year." Upon hearing you say Slytherin he was a little taken aback by your kindness but immediately regained composure.
"In Percy. Weasley, I do believe I heard George say something about planning pranks with a Y/N. Well it is nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out, and you shook it.

Over the next year, you and Percy had grown awfully close. You became head girl, and you could feel happier around him. Your slight depression lifted, and this change of attitude did not go unnoticed. The twins, being the march makers they liked to pretend they were, decided it was high time to get you two together. Putting together their plan, you were completely unsuspecting when you were pushed into an empty classroom with your crush. You banged your fists on the door.
"Hey! No! Lemme out you guys!" You shouted.
"Not till you guys snog each other senseless! We've seen the way you look at him, Y/N, and we've read your little diary, Perce!" Percy growled in anger, and you blushed deeply.
You finally turned to him, accepting the facts.
"We might as well give them what they want...I mean, if what they say is true! Because I.. I do like you, I have for months..." You mutter, stumbling over your words slightly. He walked up to you, and you felt soft lips on yours. The kiss grew lustful, when you finally pulled away for air, smiling widely at him. Let's just say, you guys never exactly...left each others side very often after that.

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