Cedric X Reader

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A/N: the video is not related to the story at all she's just an amazing person cause she posts a ton of Harry potter videos and she is funny asf. She thought Fred and George's jelly beans were muggle jelly beans 😂😂😂 ^^^

Warnings: Death, Suicide, severe depression.
PLEASE don't read if you are easily triggered! My dm is always open!

Scared to death, on the verge of tears, you wait for Cedric, your boyfriend, to come out of the maze. But you've been waiting for hours now, and you were starting to worry.

As you hear the screams from around You, you look over the numerous heads to see what was causing the commotion. And what you saw, killed you. You ran at too speed towards your now deceased lover, and broke down into sobs. You tried to convince him not to enter his name into the goblet, but he still did, and of course it was him that had to be called.

You look down at him, and sobs wracked through your body. You couldn't even contain a single sob that tried to escape your lips, the sadness coming from you was unnerving. You hated life, you always had. But now it was just horrible. It treated you badly, but never this bad. He was the only person you ever had, and he was gone.

You enter the girls bathroom, sad was overtaking you. It's been a week since Cedric's death, and you really did try to live with the sadness. But it was too much pain for you to take. So taking out your wand, you repetitively whisper the incantation on your arms. How you even knew such an advanced spell was surely beyond you,but at this moment, you were glad you did.
Over and over again you cast it onto your wrists, which were now gashing out blood.

Once your vision started to become dotted with black, you felt death sweep over you. You threw your wand across the room, and slid down the wall, now bawling your eyes out.

You faintly hear a knock at the bathroom door, followed by yelling.
"Y/N! Open this door!" You hear the familiar voice that could only belong to Fred. You felt slightly bad for whoever had to find you, but you felt like it was what you needed. You needed an escape, and death was yours. You can hear the door burst open, and the rush of footsteps as you draw your final breath.
"Oh god...Y/N..." Fred whispers right before you black out.

To be continued...

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